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Both boys were kissing forgetting their surrounding for several of minutes and they didn't even notice their boys at all and when they pulled apart they smile breathlessly and look away from each other that's when they saw Jay is looking up to them from his book and Jake is watching them with his mouth open and wide eyes....

As soon as Zee and Nunew saw their kids watching them they could only laugh. Both Jake and Jay immediately look away, going back to doing what they were doing earlier. There was a knowing smile on their face but Zee and Nunew shrugged it off. Nunew slowly puts his head on Zee shoulder...

"Hia even after fifteen years you still make my heart go crazy" Nunew muttered softly

"Even after fifteen years I'm still madly in lo..." Zee couldn't finish and he only chuckled as he angled his head and pressed another kiss on Nunew temple gently.

Nunew stole a kiss from Zee lips and he pulled apart from Zee going back to his chair resting back stretching himself and smiling broadly. They both know their feelings for each other and Nunew is not ready to say it yet and he doesn't want only Zee to say it.

It won't be fair to his husband. They want to take it slow and they have all the time to say it and hear each other, there's no hurry.After a while Nunew saw Mimi was about to put her sandy hands in her mouth.

"Mimi Panich don't You dare put that hand in your mouth" Nunew screamed loudly

Mimi whole body freezes on the spot. Her hands in the mid way near her mouth. Zee immediately rushed to her and smack the sand away from her little dirty hand. Nunew also walk closer looked at her glaring

"Why do you want to eat sand?" Nunew asked as Mimi pointed at Jake

"Phi told me there's a salt in the sand. I wanted to taste it to check" Mimi said softly

Nunew wanted to pull his hair out from his head. He run his hand on his face then he turn to glare at Jake who was already laughing at them holding his tummy. Zee pulled his Princess up in his arms..

"Honey we don't eat sand" Zee said softly as Nunew pointed his finger at Jake and groaned

"You should know better. No phone, No gadgets for two days" Nunew said

Jake instantly stopped laughing his face fall into sulking he sigh and look down.After explaining Zee and Nunew went back to their seat. Then they ask the kids to come and eat their snacks.

Once they ate their sandwiches, and chips the whole family started building castle together. Suddenly Zee drag Jake and Jay into the water while Mimi run along side of them with Nunew

"No Daddy" Jake whined loudly.

Zee tackle his two son down in water. While Nunew and Mimi laugh loudly watching the three boys having fun tackling each other in water. Nunew literally wanted to cry watching his both son playing with their father again. How much Nunew missed doing this.

Jake calls his Papa and Nunew replied someone has to stay with little princess. Jay immediately comes out and quickly runs towards Nunew and ask his Papa that he's going to bring floaters for Mimi

In no time Jay returns back and Nunew helps to put the floats on Mimi. Then Jay pushed the float into the water where Zee and Jake were already splashing water on each other.

Nunew made his way towards his husband and son shaking his head fondly watching them playing. When he got closer he shot a look at Jake and they both tugged Zee shoulder into the water. Jay let out a loud cheer. Zee huffed when he came out all drenched he warned both Nunew and Jake

"You two are going to regret that" Zee said as he wipes the water away from his face and pulls his wet hair back looking at Nunew.

"Bring it on Zee" Nunew challenge as Zee scrunched his nose

"Don't call me that babe" Zee said

Nunew stuck out his tongue at his man who immediately swam towards him. He tried to move where Jake was laughing maniacally at them. Nunew shields himself behind Jake.

And unexpectedly, Zee dragged Jake again in the water. Nunew laughs so hard with Jay and Mimi. His little son Jake was having betrayal look for Nunew. He glared at his both parents before making his way behind Jay and Mimi...

Zee then made his way to Nunew who wrapped his arms around his husband's neck.

"You look absolutely lovely when You laugh" Zee slowly whispered as Nunew chuckled

"I don't remember when was the last time I laughed this much" Nunew said as Zee pressed a kiss on Nunew nose, his cheeks and finally on his forehead then he pulled Nunew closer and his one hand went to squeeze Win ass

"You are so sexy" Zee said as Nunew shivered a bit hearing his husband's deep voice..

"You're so sweet, wonderful and so much more" Nunew confessed

"You make me so so happy just by being you." Zee said as Nunew breath hitched he looked right in Zee eyes which was just full of love...

"Kiss me Hia... Please kiss me" Nunew said and who really was Zee to say no to that...

He sealed their lips together in a passionate kiss.....

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