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Nunew pulls his car Infront of the kinder garden and helped Mimi get out and walked to the door together. As Nunew enters he see others parents looking around. Instead of the lady teacher that was there in last week there was a man greeting other parents. A very familiar man and Nunew notice he was the same man he met in the park early morning. Nunew walks inside the class and helped Mimi sit on her seat and pressed a kissed on her head...

"Have a nice day baby" Nunew cheerfully to his daughter

When Nunew stands up he saw most of the parents left the classroom and the man is already looking at him. Nunew heart flutter as it been so long when someone looked at him with a different manner. He look away and blew a kiss to Mimi. Nunew quickly left the classroom and walk towards the hallway but stop when he heard footsteps behind him. Nunew eye widened when he saw the same man walking towards him...

"Hi, I am Joss" The man spoke as he stretch his hand out

"Nunew Panich" Nunew replied as he shakes his hand

"I'm the new teacher here" Joss said with a smile as Nunew nods

"I hope you take good care of my daughter then" Nunew said softly

"I will" Joss replied as Nunew turned to walk away

"You look little better now" Joss said as Nunew stop walking and turned

"Sorry????" Nunew said in confusion

"It was you I met.. at the park this morning right?" Joss said and smile

Nunew stare at Joss face and he doesn't know what to say or do so he just walked away. Nunew came to his car and sit there for few minutes thinking what just happened. He stopped himself from thinking about the man. Nunew put on the radio and drives back home which was short since he doesn't had anyone to talk. He then did his work and cleaned everything and by the time it was 12 so he went back to his room and stand Infront of a mirror. He opened all his clothes and look himself in the mirror.

He wonders what kind of person his husband is sleeping with. Was he more skinner than him. Nunew can see his C-section surgery scar that was still visible on his body. Does he have a black hair like him, maybe dyed. Was his tummy flat without any stretch marks?

Nunew stares at his body and his flaws comes one by one. His hips were round, thighs were full of stretch marks. Once Nunew was more slim and his smooth skin but not anymore. Maybe his husband is sleeping with more curvy, slim with smooth skin. As soon as the thought came in Nunew mind he shook his head. This is the last thing he want to think about. He took a quick shower and had a quick yogurt as his lunch as it was time to pick Mimi.

Once he reached the kinder garden he waited till he see her daughter inside the classroom with her hands busy coloring. He quickly went near her and instantly smiled looking at his daughter...

"That's look amazing baby" Nunew said as he kneel down

Mimi turned around and looked at Nunew when she heard her Papa she wrapped her arms around Nunew neck and Nunew coos her while he hugs her back.

"Let's go back home your brothers will be back soon" Nunew said as they both start packing her bag

Nunew hold Mimi's hand and he was about to walk out when suddenly someone holds Nunew arm and stop him from walking. Nunew turned and saw it was Joss. He was standing with a smile and waved his hand to Mimi and she broadly smiled at Joss.

"Good afternoon Mr. Joss" Nunew said politely as he doesn't know how to describe this new feeling towards his daughter new teacher but something was there In Joss eyes that made Nunew heart go flutter.

"Mr. Panich, hope your day was good" Joss asked softly

"It was good. Thank you for asking" Nunew replied

"Ok but Mimi didn't eat much during her lunch.. Is it normal because I got a little worried about her" Joss asked

"Its very normal, she doesn't eat much but I make sure she eats enough" Nunew replied as he kissed Mimi cheeks.

"Well have a nice day Mr. Joss" Nunew said and immediately left before any topic start..

Once Nunew left he took a deep breath. He could feel Joss eyes on him and he still feel the touch of Joss hands on him. He doesn't even remember when was the last time other man touch him other than Zee touched him. He was not sure what is happening to him and he doesn't want to find out either. Nunew ignored all the new sensations he was feeling and walked away.

They reached home and he quickly changed Mimi clothes and bathed her and then walked back to the couch and let Mimi have some fruits while he waits for his boys to come back home. By 3:30 Jake comes took shower and come back Nunew made cookies and hot chocolate for them. Nunew sit down on the floor while Jake and Mimi put head on their head on Nunew lap. By 5pm Jay comes back and joined them.

"Tired" Nunew ask his son

" You have no idea" Jay whine and say

"You know I was a student too and not a full time stay at home" Nunew pouts and muttered as Jay shook his head

Soon Jay start tickling his little sister and Jake joined his sibling to. In few minutes all were laughing and Nunew completely ignored Zee issues since he brought Mimi back home. He didn't think about his husband even once. His kids were his entire world but few days back Zee was included too but not right now....

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