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Later somehow they agree to watch the secret life of pets. It's been a week since they talked about sex and everything was going great between them. They don't have to ask for lunch anymore.

It's a silent promise to eat an afternoon meal together everyday. It's almost more than a month since they started trying to work on their relationships and marriage but frankly Nunew wanted more now. And more simply meant he wanted to be underneath Zee moaning and sweating.

"You want anything?" Zee asked as he reaches for the bag of chips

"Nah I'm good Hia" Nunew replied as he  shuffles a little closer to Zee and continues eating his noodles as they both watch the movie.

After eating his noodles he picks his ice cream and waving his spoon in the air....

"I meant to be working on manuscripts but this is so much better to watch cartoons with your favorite ice cream" Nunew said as they were already about to finish the second movie

"I vote for Mulan next" Zee said

"The first and second '' Nunew replied

Both watched the movie until Nunew decided to take a quick break. With all the food laid out on the table they forget the water to bring.

Nunew quickly walked towards his kitchen and headed for the fridge to pull open. He turned around when he heard Zee footsteps inside coming into his kitchen.

"What?" Nunew asked his husband as Zee shrugs, putting his hands in his pocket

"Nothing" Zee replied

Nunew smiled and turned to pull the bottle of water from the fridge. He uncaps it and gulps down half of the bottle of water. When he placed the bottle on the table he saw Zee staring at him. His eyes were dark and staring at him intently.

The air suddenly felt charged and different between them. And Nunew didn't feel this for a while now. He licks his lips and Zee eyes follow its trails. Nunew grips the bottle tightly as Zee walks towards him slowly like a predator and oh lord it was so hot. Nunew couldn't look away from his man.

Nunew suddenly felt aware of himself. His heartbeat steadily increases as Zee stands right in front of him. His hand was resting either side of Nunew hips on the counter.

Nunew gulped as he looked Zee in the eyes. They had kissed and not gone further and Nunew felt incredibly tingly having Zee this close to him. Having him stare at him like he is ready to devour him any second. He felt like if they kiss they won't be able to stop there. And he wanted that....

"Hia.." Nunew almost whispered...

He slid his hand around Zee neck and wrapped it behind pulling his husband even closer to his body.

"I want to kiss You.  I want You to..".Nunew said as Zee lick his lips and Nunew eyes follow trails...

"I won't be able to stop there Baby" Zee whispered into Nunew ear...

Nunew didn't hold back he leaned and pressed his lips on Zee. They kissed passionately, with teeth and sucking each other's tongue, they kissed like it was their last kiss.

Both were desperate and hungry for each other. Zee hand moves to Nunew hips. He gripped Nunew small waist tightly as pulled him closer. Nunew fingers find their home in Zee hair. His grips got tighter as they kissed each other like their life depended on it.

Nunew gasped in his husband mouth as Zee hand slid more on his ass and he squeezed it...It's been so long, It's really been so fucking long for them to feel each other. Nunew hands slide underneath his husband's gray jumper which Zee had on. His nails scratching Zee abs loving the way he feels his husband's skin contrasting with Zee squeezing his ass cheeks.

"Fuck babe" Zee said as he move a little..

Zee trails down sloppy open mouth kisses on Nunew neck. Licking, nipping and marking lines like he wanted everyone to know Nunew was taken. Like he wanted everyone to know Nunew was his, Nunew only belongs to him.

Nunew hands went up and he gave Zee nipple a little squeeze. He loved the way his husband's body shook against him. Zee let out a low growl and lifted Nunew hips, setting them onto the counter.

He stepped in between Nunew legs. Zee hand trails down inside Nunew shirt. His finger passed down in the joggers band. Nunew let out a gasped bucking himself underneath Zee hand. His lips parted and he groan "Fuck".

His legs began to shake and he felt incredibly hot when Zee wrapped his finger around Nunew hard on. Nunew angled Zee face and kissed his lips again, sucking his tongue and every corner of his husband's mouth. His teeth digging into his husband lips as Zee moves his hands up and down on Nunew.

They parted for a second and Nunew watched Zee with dark eyes, Zee lick his palm and wrapped his hand again around Nunew. He was squeezing it, on the top then moving back down. He picked up the pace and Nunew kept gasping and moaning into his husband's mouth as pleasure started to build up in Zee hand...

"Hia... I.. " Nunew moaned as Zee breathlessly move his hands as he continue on Nunew hard cock up and down...

"Baby I missed this. I missed holding you like this. I missed the sexy sound...You make me hard so  much" Zee confessed

Zee pressed a kiss on Nunew forehead then he leaned down to wrap his lips around... Nunew was hard on immediately as he spread his legs more for his husband, he felt the heat rushed in Zee mouth.

It takes Zee head to bobbed one two three times before Nunew comes down in Zee throat. Nunew hand tightens in Zee hair. Zee pulls out and he stands straight in front of Nunew. Zee leaned forward and again captured Nunew lips into a heated kiss.

The kiss was hard and fast as if both were hungry for each other. Nunew could taste himself on Zee lips and God it was hot and so heavenly delicious. He felt they're doing it for the first time and it felt so so good.He wraps his legs around Zee waist pulling his husband closer. He moaned, feeling Zee huge  cock pressing against him.

He wanted more and so much more and so was Zee. He didn't protest when Zee lifted him up from the kitchen counter and took him into his bedroom while kissing each other passionately on the way. He wanted Zee naked and inside him. It wasn't too much he was asking for.

He thought of this moment for days and months. No one can make him come without Zee or without his thoughts inside him. All his insecurities about him being not good at sex with Zee had dumped and flushed down the drain. Zee gently placed Nunew on the bed.

Zee took off Nunew clothes and tossed one by one behind him. Nunew felt so much love and care from his husband like he was something incredibly special. He watches his husband pull off his jumper and move closer his fingers unbuttoning Zee jeans pulling it down with his black boxer tracing the line of his massive cock.

Nunew lick his lips as he wrapped his hand around Zee huge cock. He laps his lips around the huge cock and bobbed his head three times before pushing more deeper inside his throat until it hit the back of his throat. He took Zee cock all the way until his nose was pressed up on his husband's pelvis. Zee hand went into Nunew hair and found his home as he caressed the scalp gently. His grips tighten when Nunew pulls and plays with the cock head and tip with his tongue.

His husband's dirty moaning passed his lips like a song to Nunew ears which encouraged him to play with his husband's balls taking him closer to the edge. He keeps humming and hollowing his cheeks taking Zee in more deeper in his mouth. Zee grunt and starts thrusting his hips faster and comes down in Nunew throat.

"We can stop here Baby '' Zee said as Nunew gave a slutry look to Zee as he crawled up on the bed headboard

"Did I ask you hubby?" Nunew said as he traced his hand from his chest until to his own cock..

He wrapped his hand around his own cock and stroked himself looking right in Zee eyes. He already came once but he wanted more and wanted to come once again....

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