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Zee pulls open the door to the car and lets Nunew get inside on the passenger seat. Zee jogs to the other side and gets into the car. He put on the radio with low volume

"Where are we going?" Nunew ask Zee

"I found this great place that serves good Chinese food. I thought you might like it" Zee replied

When they reach Nunew find the place really good. The restaurant was one of the bungalows with large windows. Zee pulled chair for Nunew.

Ohh how much Nunew missed these little things from his husband. It also makes Zee equally happy for doing little things for his beautiful husband. They both missed this.

"I'm a little nervous" Zee says once he sit Infront of Nunew

"Me too. I spoke to the kids" Nunew said as he giggle at his husband word

"I just want You and kids back. " Zee said smiling

Once they pick up the menu from the table and order. The waitress came and took their orders. And once she left the table after taking their orders..

"This place is adorable" Nunew said

"It took a while I wanted to take You somewhere unique to eat Your favorite food" Zee said

"It's great" Nunew replied

The table was covered with white clothes, a red bow and a candle between them. There were few other couples. Zee felt relieved knowing Nunew liked the place. It took him 12 hours to search this place on the internet with 6 cups of tea and one large cup of coffee. He wanted to take Win to the perfect place where he also got Nunew favorite food.

"How was work?" Nunew asked

"Great! I kept humming throughout the day and people were staring Me like I lost My mind" Zee replied as Nunew giggles again happily

"I was the same. I am just really happy we are doing this" Nunew said truthfully as Zee reached out to Nunew hand which was resting on the table.

"I want to say it" Zee said softly

"I want to hear it" Nunew replied

Nunew really wanted Zee to say I love you but now it's not the day. They both know each other's feelings but they just cannot jump on the running train just like that. They had to take it slow and they will take it slow.

Suddenly the waitress appeared with their food placing it gently on the table. They ate and talk little more about this and that. Chinese was always Nunew favorite and from now the restaurant has become his favorite too because of how wonderful the food tastes with a calmed atmosphere. It was effortless, easy holding Zee hand, which still felt like magical just like he felt for the first time when he was seventeen. That's why when Zee drop him back home and walk him up to his house door. Nunew doesn't hesitate to pressed a kiss on Zee cheek.

"Can I take you out again" Zee whispered

"Of course" Nunew smiled and replied

"Promise" Zee smile shyly raising his pinky finger as Nunew link his pinky finger with Zee

"Promise" Nunew said

"No one" Zee said as Nunew nods and hums as he doesn't know what else to say to that.

Nunew was busy editing his book and as soon as he finished his work he quickly went to his room to check his phone. He had a few texts from Zee

"I might have arranged flowers to be delivered.. Got You? It's daffodils" Zee texted

"They were smelling so amazing that I couldn't stop myself. And might have added a sunflower in the bouquet" Zee texted

"how do You feel about lunch tomorrow? I'll come and pick You" Zee

Nunew giggles as he reads the messages. He started typing his reply walking slowly back to his living room where his children were busy watching TV.

" Got the flowers but they smell really nice. How about I take You out for lunch instead?" Nunew texted back

Next day Nunew tried to finish his work before lunch time. He decided to go to Zee workplace; he hasn't visited his husband's office in a year. Walking down the hallway felt a little weird to him. He gave a big smile to the receptionist. Then took the elevator, pressed the button to Zee floor. Once he reached, Nunew stepped out and headed straight to the man who was stationed beside Zee door that had Zee name on it .

"Hi I'm here to see Ze...." Nunew started

"Nunew!?" The man cheered loudly

Nunew took a step back because he was sure he never met the man before. The man walked around his table and stood right in front of Nunew and pulled him in for a tight hug while giggling happily. Nunew was stunned with the man's action then he heard his husband yelling

"Net get off of him now" Zee yelled as Nunew mentally facepalm thinking this is of course Net,

Zee keeps mentioning him. Net looked between Zee and Nunew and he was practically bouncing on his feet. Zee walked towards Nunew and he slipped his hand around Nunew waist. Zee pressed a kiss to Nunew forehead gently.

When Nunew eyes went on Net he felt Net is about to pass out watching them. He had a gleeful look on his face and looks like he has stopped breathing there.

"Baby this is Net... Net this is.." Zee spoke but was cut of by Net

"B.. Baby!" Net said as he looked like he wanted to hug Nunew again. It was the first time Nunew met someone as cheerful and happy as Net. Nunew seemed to find him great already.

"Nunew it's wonderful to finally meet you. I have heard about you alot since I became Zee assistant. I have seen so many pictures of You. You're Zee favorite topic" Net spoke as Nunew cheeks immediately heat up. He looks at Zee who is looking back at him proudly and completes with a smirk dancing on his lips.

"What! I keep a picture on my desk. He saw it and began talking and asking questions" Zee explained as Nunew curiosity build up.. he wanted to see which pictures Zee had on his desk.

"It's Your wedding pictures with little throwbacks" Net informed

"Can I see it?" Nunew asked Zee as Net clapped his hand

"Okay I'll leave You two kids alone" Net said as he went back to his chair.

Zee rolled his eyes on Net for being so obvious and he took Nunew inside his office. Net blows a kiss at Nunew as he smiles and waves a little before he walks inside Zee office. He wanted to ask Zee where he found Net but opted to stay quiet.

Nunew saw Zee office look different than before. The walls were white and long big curtains were black with abstract design. His chair changed into leather. Two doors and a large fridge in the corner. Nunew walked and took the picture frame from the table. It was a frame with two pictures in it.

The first picture was of their wedding day. It was the same picture which also kept him going. The same picture which makes him happy, calm and excited all at once. They were both staring at each other with a matching broad smile. The other picture was when they were just seventeen and young standing side by side laughing at each other. Nunew eyes filled up with happy tears and his hands were shaking he called out his husband

"Hia" Nunew called as Zee took the frame from Nunew hand.

Zee put the frame back on the table and swooped his hand around Nunew waist from his back. Nunew immediately spun around and he pressed their lips together....

SECOND CHANCE AFTER MARRIAGEWhere stories live. Discover now