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Zee was lying on the black couch he was staring at the ceiling while Mark was sitting on the single couch beside Zee...

"Maybe he found someone better" Zee said..

"Can you tell me how is this person better?" Mark ask as Zee thoughts

"His name is Joss. My kids like him. He's my daughter teacher and she talks about him a lot. He is also my Nunew friend maybe more than that. I saw him at Nunew house few months back and they look good together. Nunew looks happy too" Zee replied

"How does that makes you feel?" Mark ask as Zee sit up..

"I...I am glad and happy that Nunew find someone better but at the same time I feel dumb and idiot who is letting go someone precious as him" Zee replied

"Ok Zee I'm going to say few thing that you believe in and correct me if I'm saying anything wrong" Mark said as Zee nods....

"You are happy that Nunew is seeing someone..You are happy that you're friend is talking and texting again...You believe there is no chance for two of you getting back together" Mark says as Zee stared at Mark with widened eyes. He doesn't say anything but Mark didn't stop with his words..

"You also believes there is a part deep inside you that Nunew still loves. You just have to prove Nunew that you are what Nunew wants...You are who Nunew loves and you and Nunew can start something new together again" Marks says as Zee just look at the portrait..

"Its normal to feel this way Zee in relationship. But I will ask you to consider all the options and think what you want. Will you be happy to see Nunew with someone else or do you want to get back with him?" Mark ask...

"Yes" Zee replied simply

"Do you love Nunew?" Mark ask

"Yes a lot" Zee replied without hesitation

"Do you think your kids would want the same thing?" Mark ask as Zee froze as his two kids love him but Jay hardly talk to him..

"Its your turned this week to meet the kids right?" Mark ask

"Yes I will pick them on Friday" Zee replied as Mark write down something..

"I'm going to give you an assignment. You are going to talk to them about anything. Let them understand you. You have to talk about your friendship with their Papa. Don't leave them out of the loop" Mark says as Zee nods

Zee finished his session and waits for Jay to take him back home. While waiting he walks to a flower shop nearby. Zee look around and saw huge basket of white lilies. He ask to delivered two basket this time since he know Mimi loves making crown for herself. He put the address on the paper and ask them to delivered without telling his name like always...

Zee seems to be a little better and excited for some reason as he is going to meet his kids soon and spend time with them. He walk back and waits for Jay...A few more minutes Jay walks and when he saw Zee he pulls his hoodie up and walks straight...

"How was it?" Zee ask

"How would people feel when they will be on a sinking ship" Jay replied sarcastically

"That is really bad" Zee muttered..

"She wanted to know about my childhood" Jay said as he was about to walk past Zee

Jay tone came out like he was depressed child and the worst question to answer. Zee frown as he follows his son until they reached the car and seated.

"Why don't you want to talk about your childhood?" Zee ask as he remembers everything as he was present and Jay was a wonderful kid..

"It was all fake" Jay replied

Thankfully Zee was not yet driving or else he could have slammed his break hard...

"You childhood wasn't fake" Zee replied as he looked at his son

"It has to be or else you would had loved us, loved Papa, you would have not cheated. You treated us like we didn't matter to you... I... don'.. matter to you" Jay replied harshly..

Zee feel like he was in the verge of breaking down after hearing his son harsh word which hurt him like hell...

"Jay I love you.. I love your siblings. You are my life.. My children are part of myself. I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused. Cheating on your Papa was the worst thing I did and there wasn't a day when I don't regret. Your Papa have been always the love of my life. I'm going to spend forever trying to fix it. All of you are so worthy and priceless and so much more even more than me. I let my insecurities overtake my senses and now I'm paying for it. I have lost all of you. Your love and your Papa love" Zee said as tears flows from his eyes..

"Daddy..." Jay whisper as he looked at his Dad with wide eyes..

"I'm sorry Jay.. I love you.. You were a wonderful baby.. Quiet but mischievous" Zee said

"Tell me more Daddy" Jay said with curiosity

"You always wanted to climb upstairs even when after we baby proof everything so that you won't hurt yourself. You always gave your Papa few scares. You were always liking to put stuff in your mouth. One time you tried to suck your Papa toe while he was sleeping. He almost fell from the bed with a mini heart attack" Zee told as both chuckled thinking about Nunew reaction..

"You were a wonderful baby and an amazing son" Zee said..

"Thank you Daddy" Jay said slowly

"Anything for you son" Zee quietly replied

Nunew was thankful to Zee as he agreed to pick up the kids a little early on Friday instead of usual Saturday morning because he was going out with Joss to watch the Opera show.

"On my way just getting the milk" Zee texted him..

All three children were already prepared with their bag and were waiting in the living room. Nunew bite his lips and started pacing as he and Zee were messaging each other so often but Zee never asked him about Joss and he never brought the topic. And if Zee ask him today he will give straight answer without hiding anything. But for some reason Nunew was nervous.. He walked straight to kitchen and start cleaning shrimp and mixing them with spices..

"Papa what are you making?.. Daddy got food in his house" Mimi asked

"I am making fried shrimp for your Daddy.. He like it" Nunew replied

"But Papa last time Daddy made fried shrimp for us" Mimi said

"A little fried shrimp won't hurt him" Nunew said as he smiles

Nunew got busy asking Mimi if she packed everything. They broke their conversation when Zee entered the house. Nunew smile widely looking at the handsome man...

"How are you?" Nunew asked

"Good and how are you?" Zee asked back

"Come in" Nunew said as he walked towards the kitchen as Zee follows

Nunew put the fried shrimp in a container and put in a bag and handed over. Zee looked at Nunew with unreadable expression as he stared at Nunew..

"Before you say you can cook now Mimi already informed me about it but I still made some fried shrimp for you" Nunew said

"Oh...No.. its just that it been a while since I ate fried shrimp that you made" Zee said nervously as the kitchen fell into a weird silence

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