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Nunew fall on bed with a little bounce and giggle as Zee slide between his legs and his lips finding its way to Nunew. Nunew moans and arched against Zee. Nunew one hand went in Zee's hair and other on his back. Zee trails kisses on Nunew skin, his hands playing with the hem of Nunew shirt going up inside higher and higher until his finger touch Nunew nipples. Nunew immediately sits up and in a second his shirt was thrown somewhere. Zee stared him like he was his favorite snack.

Nunew trails his hands on Zee shoulder. His collarbone down to his chest then to his hard abs. Zee hair brushes on his face and tickle him as Nunew let out a giggle. Zee pushed him down back on bed and hovered on him, his hands work faster. Zee trails kisses on Nunew chest as he unbuttoned Nunew pant and past his hand on his semi hard.....

Nunew jumps on his bed and in a swift his hand went up in the air to bring Zee closer but he couldn't. Nunew sat up and look around like a dumb person because there was no Zee. He felt like his breath stuck in his throat. It took him several minutes to realize that he was alone on bed and he was dreaming. He was already back home after watching the show and Joss drop him last night.

While Zee fed his kids and he already put Mimi to bed. Zee was reading when he heard a soft knock coming from the door. He looked up and saw Jake was standing at his door. Jake walk slowly into his room. Zee still remember Jake would run up to him anytime he walk into the house from work. Zee smiled at his boy and ask him to come closer...

"Why are you not watching movie with your P'Jay?" Zee ask softly

"Daddy are you and Papa friends again?" Jake ask

The lack of communication between him and his family led him to break apart and this time Zee wanted to do his best..

"Yes we are friends again just like we were in the college buddy" Zee replied honestly

"Why?" Jake ask back

"Because your Papa means so much to me. I would rather have him as a friend than not have him at all" Zee replied

"What if you guys fight again and break your friendship?" Jake ask again

"I love your Papa so much honey. I made a mistake. I let my anxiety take over and I didn't tell your Papa about it. I didn't wanted him to see me as a weak person. I thought I had taken away all the things your Papa loves doing. I thought I don't deserve him. I made him stay at home instead of working on books. I didn't know how to make it right so I pushed my guilt into something else" Zee replied honestly

"Papa was your best friend why you didn't talk to him?" Jake ask him back

"It wasn't easy honey.. I tried to... but I didn't able to put my feelings and thoughts to words. I felt like if I tell your Papa about it he will leave me and it was my biggest mistake because he still left. I learned my lesson after loosing you all and I am...I will always try my best to make everything right" Zee replied as he got up from bed

Jake didn't said anything else but he looked at the door where Jay was standing and listening to them. Zee got started a bit when he saw Jay at the door. Zee wonder if he could break down in front of kids. Is it right thing to do? He is a parent and aren't parent meant to be strong? Zee fall back on his bed and cover his face with his hands. He takes a few moment to calm himself..

"Daddy we are going to watch "Honey I shrunk the kids" wanna watch with us?" Jay ask

Zee look up and smile at Jay. Jake got closer and held Zee hand and walk out together. All three of them make their way to the sitting room. As soon as the movie start Jake pulled out the chips packet. He opened it and stuff handful in his mouth...

"Potter you could have at least waited for five minutes" Jay ask

"A hungry man waits for no one" Jake answered

Zee and Jay laugh at Jake antic. They all felt like they can breath again after a year. All three watch the movie together in silence, laughing at the funny part. Its been a long time since Zee felt like he is a part of this family again..

In the morning Zee woke up with a jerk when his phone buzzed. He opened his eyes and realized he was in the middle of both his boys. His heart almost felt like it will burst out in happiness looking at his boys leaned on him. He gave a gentle kiss on forehead of his both boys and smile broadly. He pick up his phone and saw there was a message from Nunew..

"You still asleep?.. Dang!!! Its just past 6 in the morning...Of course you are sleeping" Nunew texted

"I am up just now...It a very good morning to you" Zee texted back

"Boys treat you right?" Nunew asked

"Yes last night I and Jake had a talk. Then we watched movie together with Jay and had a very good time together" Zee texted back

"That's good" Nunew texted

Zee smile at the reply. He wonders how Nunew night went. Had he spent it alone or with Joss. Zee thought for a moment and then he texted..

"How was your night?" Zee texted

Zee kept waiting for a few minutes which turned into an hour but he didn't receive any reply. he kept checking his phone screen and for some reason he felt little restless. Zee looked around and pulled himself together. He stayed still and watch his kids sleeping holding him, sleeping on his lap and on his shoulder. He tried not to move much else his kids will get uncomfortable or wake up. He didn't remember when was the last time when he held his boys this close. He felt loved and wanted. He felt like he was their old Daddy again. He didn't felt lonely at all..

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