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Both husbands look towards the door and Nunew heard Nat screaming his name like a wild tiger. Zee doesn't get the chance to prepare himself as Nat pushed the door and yelled at Zee..

"You piece of shit. What are you doing here?" Nat asked angrily

"It's my house" Zee calmly replied

Nunew was thankful that Nat came on the right time and Zee and he has to stop whatever they were doing...

"I know what you are about to say and its not my house nor my business but you sure deserve a punch from me for what you did to my friend and mind you I won't miss your face" Nat said angrily

"I'm going downstairs and I will be back soon" Zee said as he gave a light squeeze to Nunew hand

"Hia can you give kids and me a few days? I don't think we can live together in this house anymore and for the sake of kids please don't stop us" Nunew said before Zee could leave..

"No Nu... You don't mean it" Zee said in a pleading tone as he step towards Nunew

"I bet he does. Now give him some respect by listening to him" Nat said as Nunew looked away from Zee..

Nunew didn't know the look at Zee face but he heard how Zee broke down as soon as he left the room. Nunew felt nothing better hearing Zee..

"Did he touch you? Did he brought his lover here?" Nat ask immediately as he hold Nunew hand

Nunew shook his head and tried to take deep breath to calm himself down. It took him some time to stop himself from crying. Nat was in so rush either he rubs his friend back soothingly or he patiently wait. After Nunew calm himself down he told everything about what happened to Nat.

"So what have you decided to do?" Nat ask calmly

"I don't know Nat. I love him.. Actually I am still in love with him" Nunew quietly said

"Jelly you still want this marriage? Do you believe this marriage is going to work out for both of you and your kids? Can you really both move past from this" Nat asked as Nunew sigh

"I don't know Nat.. I don't know anything except I love him a lot" Nunew muttered

As Zee left Nunew cooked lunch for himself and Nat. After lunch Nat went to pick up Mimi and Nunew goes to make sandwich while he waits for Jake to arrive. After a few minutes Jake came back and Nunew hugged his baby and kissed him on his forehead.

"How was your day at school baby?" Nunew ask as Jake hug him tightly and suddenly went back to the room.

Nunew didn't get the chance to ask anything because Jay came and went straight into Nunew embrace.. Nunew was surprised to see his eldest son arrived early but he knew Jay was worried for him so he didn't ask anything. Nunew tightly hug his son as his son avoids hugs but today his son came willingly.

"I know you don't want to...but I'm here if you want to talk about anything" Nunew said as he felt a small nod as a reply from Jay..

"Do you know what happened to Jake?" Nunew asked as he pulled them apart

"Yes" Jay replied in short

"Please tell me " Nunew said in a pleading tone

"He thinks you are going to stop loving him just like Daddy" Jay said as he looked away

Nunew really didn't know how to explain his kids but he cannot just sit quietly and watch his children suffer. He walked and open the door just to see his baby wipes his tears.. Nunew ran and hugged his baby and pulled him in his lap and wiped his tears..

"Papa loves you a lot Baby" Nunew said as he hold his baby cheeks

"You really do Papa because Daddy used to say the same thing" Jake said as he looked at Nunew

"Daddy loves you too. We adore you and we will do it for a long time. We will always keep loving you and watch over you" Nunew said as tears starts falling

"Really" Jake ask as he wipes Nunew tears.

"Yes baby and right now Daddy is going through something but I promise I love you. I'm never going to leave you, your brother and sister behind. You are my children and part of me" Nunew said softly

"What about Daddy? Am I a part of him too? Is he going to stay with us? Do you still love him?" jake slowly ask Nunew

"I love your Daddy very much with all my heart, my soul and very part of him belong to him" Nunew said as he nods

Nunew told Jake to wash up and he made his way down and order some foods...

"Papa can I go out to meet my friends. I will be back soon" Jay ask nervously

"Ok but call me when you get there " Nunew said as Jay left the house..

Jay didn't have to walk far because there was already his friends waiting for him outside an abandon house.

"Thanks for coming man" His friend said.

"And thanks for bring it here" Jay replied as they walk inside the abandon house..

And after Jay left Nat came back and told that Mr. Joss said Hello to him. Nunew eye widen and Nat laugh at Nunew flustered expression..

"Why didn't you tell me Mimi has a new teacher who is hot and sexy beast" Nat said with a pout.

"That because he's a human not a beast Jelly" Nunew replied as he shook his head

Once they complete their discussion as Nat offered Nunew a job and Nunew thought about asking his son first and then move out of the house as he as some saving left. And once their food came and Jay came by the time with wet hair and blue tongue to which Jay replied he went to swimming and had some candy. Once everyone was on the table Nunew ask his children if it was okay with him getting a job and the children agreed.

As the days goes by Nunew found a house perfect for them not too fancy and as he will get busy with work he wants to take his children outside. They went to different place and then they went for a movie and order popcorns and drinks. As they were about to go inside Nunew phone suddenly rang. He looked at the screen and his heart skipped a bit. It was the first time after a week Zee had called him..

"You go in I will take the call and join you" Nunew said to his children as they nod and left..

Nunew walked into the waiting area and was still thinking whether he should pick up or not but it kept ringing. He picked up and put the phone near his ear..

"Thank god you picked up" Zee said before Nunew could even say hello..

"I don't know why I did" Nunew said

"Where are you now?" Zee asked

"At cinema" Nunew replied

" Which one? I want to meet you" Zee asked in a soft tone

"The one near our house. Why? Are you finally going to tell me why you cheated" Nunew said

"Can we do this face to face.. I want to see you Nu... Please baby allow me to come and meet you" Zee said in a pleading tone

"You can" Nunew replied

"I will be there in 10minutes" Zee said as he hang up.

Nunew waits for the Zee outside the cinema and he messaged Jay that he is outside for a while and they should enjoy their movie...

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