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Nunew pulls back from the hug and makes his way towards Jake with Mimi walking still holding his pants. He bend down and pressed a kiss on Jake's forehead. Then he pick up Mimi as and kissed her cheeks too.

"Good morning Papa" Mimi says to her Papa

Nunew ask Jake to take his seat beside his elder brother and enjoy their breakfast by the time he help Mimi to eat. Jake took his seat and Nunew assist Mimi cutting her pancake into small pieces. Nunew checks the time and its 7:10 am and by the time his kids would finish eating their breakfast the school bus would be outside their gate.

"I am getting your backpack" Nunew said as both his kids nods their head and continue eating.

Nunew took two stairs at a time and quickly went to Jake's room first and make sure to put the extra pair of glasses in his bag. Then he went to Jay bedroom checked his bag loaded with books, pens and pencils in the small pocket.

Nunew quickly comes downstairs back and got into kitchen. He opened both boys bags and kept their lunch box inside their bags. Jay finished his breakfast first then Jake and put their plates in the sink. Mimi was still eating and rambling while Nunew was still busy with kitchen works. Once Mimi finished eating she went to play with her dolls. Nunew starts cleaning the counter top and putting dirty dishes in the sink. Then the loud honk from bus came and both boys pick their bags and run outside..

"Pay attention in the class and have a nice day. Love you both" Nunew yelled from the kitchen..

" Yes Papa and Love you too bye" Both children yelled back

As soon as the boys left he house Nunew let out a very loud yawn and Mimi giggle and went out from kitchen to get her toys. His kids chattering was giving him strength in some kind but now the house is quiet and he felt fatigue. He started walking upstairs lazily to wake his husband. He was just reaching the top when Zee came out of their bedroom already dressed in a suit with his tie hanging on his neck.

It was always Nunew who make Zee's tie and he never try to learn. Zee smile and gave Nunew a soft kiss on his cheeks.

"Morning Love" Zee said which Nunew wasn't expecting.

In morning he was always expected with Zee yelling him for not waking him up early or other things but today it was a pleasant surprise for Nunew. He felt quite satisfied

"How was your night Hia" Nunew ask as he start to make Zee's tie

"Amazing... you are so warm and cuddly in the middle of the night and you look beautiful this morning" Zee replied as he put his hand on Nunew soft cheeks

Nunew cheeks, his nose and ears got all red. He playfully slap Zee chest and pushed him a bit away to enter their room. But Zee grabs him by his waist and pulled him closer to himself.

"Hia, flirting with me will not get you anywhere. You already married me, Remember" Nunew said as he giggle

Zee laugh at little and Nunew felt a pang in his heart. Its been a while he heard his husband laugh like this. Nunew suddenly remember what happened to his husband? what has changed his husband? Nunew stares at his husband face to find some kind of information but unfortunately their was no answer on Zee face...

"Flirting with you will get me anywhere love. Just because we are married doesn't mean I stop telling you how beautiful you are and how soft your skin is. How bright your eyes are in the morning almost as if you got stars in them. How your smile light up my.." Zee said once he stop laughing

"You are crazy Hia" Nunew said as he cut off Zee words

Zee leans down and closes their distance between their lips. Zee pulls his husband closer as he starts kissing him hard. Nunew toes curled and his hands rested on Zee chest. He kissed Zee back with everything he got. Its been so long he felt his husband touch on his body and now he feels his body on fire.

They both pull apart after few minutes with a thin line of saliva hangs between their lips. Nunew bite his bottom lips and looks at his husband face with a shy smile.

"Beautiful" Zee says as he cups Nunew cheeks with both hands

"You are quite handsome too Mr. Zee Pruk Panich" Nunew said and chuckle

They were about to kiss once again but the loud "Papa" sound that came interrupted them. Nunew look away from Zee face to Mimi's room.

"Look like someone needs me. Wanna say hi to your daughter before going" Nunew smile and ask Zee

Zee body stiffen at Nunew words. He doesn't think over, he doesn't move towards Mimi room. And the look on Zee face made Nunew doesn't understand what Zee was thinking. Nunew doesn't understand the look on Zee face even after spending so many years together...

"I.. I can't. I'm getting late for work because someone didn't make me up even though he knows I got work to do" Zee said as he take a step back from where they were standing

Nunew wasn't expecting that from his husband. He froze on his spot and stares at his husband face still trying to find out what is the cause of sudden mood change on his husband. Nunew is too tired to feel submissive in the early morning.

"Hia I'm not in the mood for your shit. Take your cranky ass downstairs and eat your breakfast before you leave. And by the way you promise Jake to help him in his science project" Nunew said without thinking twice.

Nunew felt too much now. He should be the one with all the mood swings and not Zee. So who does Zee think he is.

"I don't have time to play with the kids. I'm busy Nunew" Zee said as he turned around down the stairs before walking away

"Zee Pruk you know that they are your children too. Your sperms. Ohh who even I'm kidding. Go off to your work and enjoy your day" Nunew yelled back before going to his daughters room

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