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Nunew came back home after dropping his kids to school. This was his last day at this house. He stare at his large wedding portrait of him and Zee in his living room. He felt like he got married not too long ago. Nunew sigh as he realized he hasn't heard of Zee from last two weeks. Its been two weeks that they talk at cinema. Nunew was too close to crying each time thinking about their talk. Right now he wanted to be hugged by his husband his best friend. He needed Zee beside him on this day. Nunew remember the scratch marks on Zee back and he felt sharp pain in his chest thinking Zee with someone else. He tries to pull himself together even though he felt his body shaking and his tears flowing non stop. Nunew legs felt like jelly that were about to give up..

"You okay?" Zee asked as Nunew felt a familiar touch on his body.. They felt like home..

Nunew turned his head and saw Zee staring at him with worried face.. He really wanted to smack Zee head and ask Zee if he look okay...

"How about we use the washroom and wash your face and stop your shaking and then I will drop you to your new home" Zee said softly

Nunew doesn't know if he nods his head or not but Zee slide his hand around his waist and knees and lifted him up and Nunew gasped and holds Zee neck close. Zee gently place Nunew on the counter. He grabs a few tissues and dabs on Nunew cheeks.. He wipes the tears off from Nunew cheeks...

"I'm sorry...seeing you cry is the worst thing that I have...I know its all my fault...I should have come to you. I was insecure and I didn't know how to tell you. How do you tell someone you dated for decades and finally married that you were suddenly insecure. I wasn't sure how you will react. Everyday I woke up and felt guilt. I felt if one day you realize what I'm going through you would think what a jerk I was and you'd leave me. I failed you as a husband. I took away things you like to do the most. I wasn't able to look into your eyes for a while" Zee said as Nunew listen carefully

Nunew wanted to pulled his husband in a tight hug and tell him that it was not his fault and everything gonna be alright but at the same time he wanted to know ..

"Tell me about Saint" Nunew asked

Zee looked at Nunew in shocked but he nods his head very slowly to tell his husband everything he wants to know..

"He worked at a book store near the office. He reminded me of you. During our college days you used to work at that book store in our campus. Everytime I see him he reminded me of you. I could see you through him. He says the same jokes you said to me" Zee said slowly

Nunew wanted to know why Zee got attracted to Saint but even after hearing he didn't understand the reason.

"Nu would you let me meet the kids?" Zee ask as he holds Nunew hand

"You didn't show up last few months" Nunew said as he harshly kick Zee thighs

"I'm sorry" Zee replied

"Its not me you have to sorry" Nunew sniff and said

"I really love our kids" Zee honestly said and Nunew looked straight at Zee face to see if Zee was lying but he wasn't...Zee really loves his kids...

"I will try to send them to spend their weekend with you but give Jay sometime" Nunew said

"Jake and Mimi are afraid to go to McDonald after they saw you with Saint" Nunew said

After hearing Zee took two step away and punch hard on the wall behind him. Nunew immediately hop down from the counter. He got afraid for Zee knuckles as it got all bloody. suddenly Zee looked like he was going to break down. Nunew heart hurts looking Zee like that. Nunew gently took Zee hand and wash the blood away. He saw Zee still had on his wedding ring on his finger. He never took it off. Once the blood stop Nunew pulled out the first aid kits and put the bandage on Zee hand...

"Let's go... I will drop you" Zee said as he held Nunew hand.

Nunew only nods his head in reply. He lifts his gaze from Zee hand to his face as they both stands and stare at each other. Nunew moves forward and pressed his lips on Zee and Zee didn't hesitate and he held Nunew waist and kissed him back. Kissing Zee was always Nunew favorite thing to do. The way his heart tingle and increase its beats. His body shake in different way. The way Zee held him like he was the most precious thine ever. Nunew moves closer and held Zee shirt tightly. He moans when Zee lick into his mouth with every stroke of his tongue. The way their nose brush on each other. Nunew missed this so much and now he is going to missed it more. They pulled apart for air. Nunew leaned back and once again he pressed a gentle kiss on Zee before he finally pulled himself back..

"Lets go" Nunew said..

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