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Nunew agreed if Jake wants to join Jay in his session. Both waited outside the car as Nunew wanted to make sure Zee is alright before he leaves. He wanted to go inside and find his husband but thankfully Zee himself came out looking a bit more pulled up together.

Nunew sigh in relief and gives him a small smile with a wave. Jay watch the two of his parents smiling at each other. Jay observe Nunew eyes light up watching his Daddy and he was smiling shyly at him. Jay missed watching his parents who are sick in love. The heart eye of his Papa which has lost is back again, he didn't said anything and just went inside the car leaving his parents out to say their good bye.

At night Nunew already put Mimi to bed after dinner and Jay was in Jake room playing some game and Zee already messaged him....It was already 9:15PM and Nunew knew they need a honest talk and he didn't reply because he didn't wanted to read Zee explanation but he wanted to hear it. So Nunew made a call to his husband instead and Zee picked up the call just in two rings...

"Hey" Zee said

"Hi Hia" Nunew replied

Nunew didn't know what else to say or how to even start the conversation. He kept quiet as he sit with his legs swing slowly.

" you want to go first?" Zee asked in a shaky voice.

"Not you have something to tell me first?" Nunew ask as he shook his head

"I....I wanted to try couple therapy with you. I knew what I did was wrong but I was really scared talking to you about it. I don't wanted you to see me as a weak person. I was scared you wouldn't understand what I was feeling. Everyday I try to talk about myself to you what I was struggling with but the little voice of doubt in my head..." Zee said as his voice broke cracked before he finish his words...

Nunew didn't know what to say so he stayed silent and Zee took his time and he was glad that Nunew didn't push him further...

"Do you remember what I promise you when we first kissed?" Zee ask

How could Nunew forget.. He remember every damn words Zee said at their college pool...

"Yeah I do" Nunew said

"I promise you that I will take care of you. I promise to keep you happy always and forever. I promise to love you and our future kids with all my heart and soul and I do Nu" Zee said

Nunew couldn't hold back his tears after hearing Zee calling him Nu after all this long and most important Zee still remember his promise...

"I couldn't spend lots of time at home because of my guilt. I couldn't look you in the eyes and kids..." Zee said..

"What about the marks on your back that I saw?" Nunew ask directly

"He did those marks so that you could see them and leave me. He kissed me each time I talk about you to shut me up. He grab my back and made those scratches. He wanted more from me but I could never bring myself to actually to do mor with him. I only wanted you...Only you Nu.." Zee said as he gripped his phone tightly...

"It broke my heart to know that you went somewhere else. I felt like I had been lied all these year. I felt like you didn't love as much as I did. You made me question everything about us, about our love we had for each other. I thought I knew you" Nunew said as he heard sniff from the other side..

"You knew me Nu...I am still the same boy you met 15 years back.. The same boy who is crazy in love with you. The same man you married. The same man who love you and our kids. No matter where I went I still came home to you. I had spent all my life hearing where my home is and its you. It takes loosing you and our kids to learn that lesson" Zee said immediately

Nunew wipes his tears as he listen Zee each words. At first Nunew was shocked to know Zee was willing to work on their marriage a year ago when they were in their therapy session today. Zee was sounding like he would have done anything to keep him and kids close. And Nunew realize the way Zee is speaking now that his voice coming through the tiny phone speaker felt like he still wanted to try and want him back. The part that felt asleep these past months is suddenly felt awake.

Nunew knew Zee for the last 18 years and he know almost everything about Zee. He told him every little thing. Nunew stare at his finger where his wedding ring is....

"I didn't think you want me...I thought you would have preferred that duplicate me.. I was scared to know what if I am correct" Nunew said slowly

"Never....No one else... I made a mistake a big mistake that cost everything and I am going to try my absolute best to fix this, to get your forgiveness and also the kids" Zee said immediately..

Forgiveness is something Nunew didn't wanted to think about the past year but now when they are talking he figured that it is something easy that he can give but the damage they did to their relationship it going to take so much of their time and care to heal properly..

"It will take a bit of time to forgive you..i can see you putting efforts, trying your best to open up to me and the kids. Jay stared talking about you and I am going to need little more time to forgive everything" Nunew said quietly

"Of course whatever you need and how much time you need" Zee replied

Nunew wipes his cheeks and its wasn't easy for both of them to open up everything as it felt raw and open....He took a moment to calm himself...

"So have you dated anyone these past year?" Nunew ask

"I haven't...No one since you" Zee replied truthfully

After hearing Zee words Nunew mind started calculating and it means Zee hadn't had sex in these past year. The last time they had sex was before two years and few months back and after couple of months Zee started coming home late..

"Nu...I only love you.. I only want to touch you and I will have sex with you only and no one else" Zee said softly

Nunew surely believes in what Zee was saying and Zee was right...He always come back home and he never lied of having emergency meeting or he never travel out, wherever he went he always come back home to Nunew..

"Does he treat you well?" Zee asked snapping Nunew from his thought

"Who?" Nunew ask as he frown and blinked

"Joss....Does he treat you well?" Zee ask again

Nunew sigh now as he doesn't know how to answer this stupid question Zee was asking...

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