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Nat let himself in like always. He walk inside and sit on the couch in the living room. Nunew was already sitting with Mini and he was just staring at the tv. Nunew eyes were all blank and Nat can bet his friend is not all watching and listening to what is playing on tv where as Mimi was enjoying whatever is playing on tv. Nat bend and ruffles Mimi hair and gave her a kiss on her chubby cheeks as she giggles and start rubbing her cheeks with both hands. Nunew laugh at his daughter and Nat gave a fake glare at his friend. Sia went to sit further away from Nat as she knows her uncle will not let her enjoy peacefully.

"You felling better?" Nat ask as he sit beside Nunew

Nunew moves back a little and lays down on Nat lap. Nat immediately put his hand into Nunew hair. Nunew buried his face into Nat tummy and cried his heart out. His shoulder was shaking with the intensity of his crying. Nunew was now gasping for air to breath as he cried in pain. Nat waited for few minutes for his friend to calm down while he kept stroking Nunew hair gently.

"Jelly you have to tell me what's wrong?" Nat softly ask

Nunew wipes his tears as he doesn't want Mimi to see him like this all broken and crying. He felt a little lighter than before but still he wants to cry.

"Jelly you are not talking and I'm getting scared" Nat softly muttered in concerned

"I'm fine Nat, I don't know why I cried...maybe because of stress" Nunew replied as he took a deep breath and gave his best smile to Nat

Nunew got up and walked inside the kitchen to put his dried dishes inside the cabinets and drawers. Nat get up too and follow Nunew behind. He saw how pale Nunew looks and now he is just staring at the oven. Nat can't take it anymore as he felt really scared for Nunew..

"Nunew you are really scaring me.. Please talk to me.. Tell me what happened?" Nat asked again

Unexpectedly Nunew started laughing as he pulled out the spoiled food plate he made last night for his husband. Nunew put the plate on the table and let the kitchen filled with the stinky smell. Nat then put her hands on Nunew shoulder.

"What's going on Nunew?" Nat asked in a firm tone

"He didn't even eat my food" Nunew said as he look away from the food plate

"Who Nunew" Nat ask in concerned tone

"My husband" Nunew replied simply

Suddenly Nat remember how Nunew said "I have lost him". He frown at Nunew for a moment then he grabs the plastic bag and put the spoiled food and dump in the dustbin.

"Nat I don't feel like myself today. I'm sorry for sudden outburst today. Can you not ask me anything today. I will tell you when I have enough energy. I feel really week right now" Nunew said with a small smile

Without giving any reply Nat pulled Nunew in a tight hug and strokes his back gently. Nunew didn't push him neither hug him back. He stayed still in Nat's embrace..

When they pulled apart Nat made hot cup of chocolate and made him drank. Nat ask Nunew what was his plans and Nunew told him all the works he has to do. Nunew ask Nat to take Mimi to her bedroom and stay with her so that Nunew will quickly start cleaning.

Nunew completed all his work and by the time Mimi was asleep so now Nat and Nunew made their way to backyard and talk about Nat's date night. Nat left 3 in the afternoon. He gave Nunew 30 minutes to relax before Jake came back from school. Nunew already prepared some sandwiches for his kids. Mimi was awake from her nap and starts playing with her toys.

"Papa" Jake yelled as he entered the house

"Over here baby" Nunew shouts back

Jake saw his sister and gave her kiss on her cheeks and then move towards his Papa. Nunew wraps his hands around his son shoulder. Jake always remind him of his old self when he was younger boy. For Nunew, Jake is the softest boy just like him.

"How was your day" Nunew ask

"It was good and I got A on all my subjects" Jake replied proudly

"I'm so proud of you my baby" Nunew said as he smile happily

"How about you go and change then after dinner there will be an ice cream for you" Nunew said softly

Jake cheers and go up to the room to get changed and freshen up. As Jake went Nunew helped his daughter to pack her blocks and other toys. He then made her wash her hands and then helped her and Jake eat their sandwiches with hot chocolate milk.

"Papa is Daddy coming home early today?" Jake ask while they were eating

Nunew body got stiffen after hearing Jake questions. Last night Zee said he will come home early and spend time with their kids but he knows Zee promise was all talk. Old Zee always come home back early in the evening and play with kids and have dinner together even if he had to go back to work at late night. But he is not his old Zee anymore. Old Zee got lost a year ago and Nunew doesn't know when..

"Baby, Daddy might come little late today" Nunew ends up telling his son

"But he's always late. Does he not like the house anymore" Jake as his Papa

Nunew kept staring at his little boy. He start thinking what if his son is right? What if Zee doesn't like want to come back home anymore? What if his husband is loosing interest in his family?

"Papa... you had a look that Jay had when he has to go on a rollercoaster" Jake said loudly making Nunew startled

Nunew doesn't know what he should do after hearing Jake words. He felt so scared that it immediately reflect on his face. The last thing he wants his children to see is his fear.

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