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A long week finally passed by and Nunew answered Zee text with short replies saying it was killing him but he knew it's not fair to Zee. He took his time to clear his head. Nunew finally made up his mind and message Zee..

"Hey would you like to stay a bit after dropping off Jay from his session" Nunew texted..

After sending Nunew locked his phone and held his legs to his chest wrapping his arms around and started waiting for Zee reply. He partially wonders when Zee is going to see his message and reply to him back but on the other hand he was freaking out since he realized the root cause of his husband's anxiety. He resisted checking his phone because they still had more than an hour to finish their session. Then he looked around and saw his two little kids smiling, giggling and playing with each other.

Nunew made a peanut butter sandwich for them as an afternoon snack. Once they were done eating, he excused himself and made his way to his bedroom. He shut the door and strips. He quickly showered and pulled a black joggers and gray long sleeve jumper. He let his hair fall down on his forehead. Once he was done he checked his phone and there was no new message he signed a million times. He thought not to think much since Zee is going to drop Jay back home. He decided to just ask him directly to stay for dinner tonight.

Nunew again went out to check on his kids. Both Jake and Mimi were solving puzzles together. Nunew joined them and they were just halfway through it when Jay walked in. Nunew smiled at Jay and he was about to ask him how his session went today when Zee stepped into the house behind Jay. Suddenly Nunew felt all the words flew out from his head. Zee was wearing a dark suit with matching black shirt white sneakers. His hair wasn't styled at all and Nunew knew his husband had run his finger multiple times already and wondered if he's the cause of it...

"Hi" Zee said with a small smile

"Hi" Nunew responded slowly

Jay looked between his parents and felt the sudden growing tension. He took his other two siblings into his room to play leaving his parents to talk. Nunew hands were playing with the hem of his shirt and his heart was already beating fast..

"I am sorry" Nunew said as Zee's smile fell and he immediately tensed up.

"I know I sort of pushed you away this past week with my short replies but I had to think about everything and it was a lot. I have realize your anxiety had to have originated from somewhere" Nunew said as Zee was about to say something but Nunew tightly gripped his sweeter

"Would you like to stay for dinner?. We can talk afterwards". Nunew asked

"I would love too" Zee replied without hesitation

Nunew made chicken curry with rice for everyone. Dinner was tense, while he cooked Zee played with his little ones and Jay helped his Papa around the kitchen. The little kids didn't observe the tension around the house like Jay. He didn't say or ask anything and just stayed quiet...

Once dinner was ready they all sat together eating in partial silence only Mimi was speaking about the princess Sofia she watched last night. Nunew tries to be attentive to her while Zee keeps asking her a few general questions. Jay and Jake tried to add a few comments here and there to tease her and make the atmosphere light. Nunew was already aware of his kid's reaction and he was happy that they did this together tonight but maybe next time they will do it in a more relaxed manner.

Jay and Jake finish eating first and walk out then Mimi wiggle out from her chair and follow her brothers leaving her parents alone.

"Can I help you with dishes" Zee asked

"It's Jake's turn... Just placed the plates in the sink" Nunew replied

"Do you want a drink..."Nunew asked

"Can We talk ... I don't know what you want to talk about. I keep thinking the worst thing and worrying about it" Zee said as Nunew nods

"Let's do it somewhere private" Nunew said

Zee nods and follows behind him. They pass the living room and Nunew asks Jay that he'll be back soon. At a time like this Nunew was glad they had the whole bungalow for themselves. He walked to the backyard garden a little further away from the house so eavesdropping wouldn't be possible from his kids. Nunew stopped near the fence and played with his jumper sleeve..

"I haven't been fair. You were reaching out trying to open up, to talk, to forgive, to be friends" Nunew said ..

"Nu...". Zee called as Nunew turned and finally look at Zee face

"I realized how your anxiety originated Hia. I remembered how I was and I wanted to apologize. You were there. You were always there until You weren't. I didn't think my words and actions would hurt you in a way" Nunew said

"It still doesn't excuse what I did" Zee said

"It doesn't but you're working on it. You're working on yourself and that is great" Nunew said softly

"I have learned from my mistake. I'm going to do everything to make up to You and the kids" Zee said honestly as Nunew nods because he believes in Zee..

"Our problem was communication and honesty hour talk helped us to ask the questions we were afraid to ask some times ago" Nunew said as Zee suddenly looked shaken he ran his finger in his hair..

"I would do anything for you and kids but I keep getting these signals from you... I ... I don't know what to do. What is this.... You already got someone...". Zee said with shaky voice

Nunew wanted to reach out and wrapped his husband in his arm but they still had few things to talk about and now he didn't want to create more misunderstanding..

"Living without you was hard... very hard. We have been together since we were seventeen. But our kids have been the angels they're. They pulled me through" Nunew said softly

"I'm sorry for putting you through this, for breaking your trust, for breaking your heart. For breaking the promises I've made for years" Zee said quietly as Nunew gripped his jumper tightly with gritted teeth..

"You kept it for years though. You took care of me but forgot to take care of yourself. How did I not see that?" Nunew said as he surely knew he had missed signs one way or another. Because they both talk about everything and anything. He should have noticed how quiet Zee has gotten suddenly. He was so busy, tired and exhausted that he missed all the signs and symptoms of his husband drifting apart.

"It's not your fault. I should have come to you. I should and I will always come to you no matter what issue I'm facing big or small" Zee said

"It's just afterall us ZeeNunew" Nunew said as Zee softly chuckled and nodded his head as Nunew saw his husband's beautiful smile for the first time since dinner..

"I don't want our fifteen years to go in vain. I am just so fucking happy that you're still by my side..... You know.. as a friend. I take it and appreciate it very much" Zee said as Nunew sigh loudly

"Being friends with you was surprisingly easy. I missed telling You all the little thing" Nunew said as Zee broadly smile

"It's vice versa I missed telling You about everything and anything" Zee muttered as Nunew laugh softly they were friends though before their feeling get evolved into something more

"It's still hard for me to make friends and when I do I like to keep them for a long long time" Nunew said

"I know. I am happy to be a part of lucky few" Zee quietly said

"So let me share something Joss and I are not together.. he left the country" Nunew said as Zee turned his head so fast and Nunew thought like always his husband would injure his neck.

Watching his husband's stunned expression Nunew breaks into a fit of giggles and Zee stares back Nunew with a neutral face and he could do that forever. After few minutes Nunew stopped and sigh loudly

"We were never together Hia.. I did like him in the beginning but it didn't last long. He was not right. No one felt right. I only want ...You" Nunew said as Zee's knees felt weak, as he staggered a few steps back and balanced himself.

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