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Zee was looking at him like a thirsty man who had just found his oasis. The afternoon sunlight gave Nunew a unique glow. He looks so beautiful and sexy. He grabs Nunew left leg and drags him down to the bed and settles with the kneeling position between Nunew legs.

Nunew informed Zee where the lube is. His eyes never leave his husband's body. He stretched a bit and over the bed side table. He takes out the bottle of lube under the stack of paper. Nunew watches his husband smooth skin, his muscles flexing with his movement, and his glorious abs look tempting.

Zee gripped Nunew waist tightly and worked his way slow around Nunew cock but urgently. He wraps his legs around Zee back. His lips went on Zee neck to his cheeks then locked on his lips again. They latch into each other as Zee pushes and rubs his body on Nunew.

Nunew felt amazing when Zee fingers slowly slid inside him. He let out a soft cry when Zee inserted his three fingers and angled them deeply remembering very well all the sensitive spots. Zee three fingers slided fast and hard in Nunew hole. His body arched up into Zee....

Zee grabs Nunew ass in one hand and pushes his hard cock inside Nunew slowly until he was all inside. His hands played with Nunew nipple as his lips on Nunew sucking his tongue and thrusting in his throat with the same pace as he thrusting in Nunew..

Nunew moaned as their whole body moved in sync against each other. Zee fucked him hard and fast. He grabs both Nunew ass cheeks spreading them more as he thrusted harder, deeper and faster. Zee fucked his husband and pushed every delicious moan out from Nunew.

Nunew scratches the nails on Zee back begging and pleading to go faster. Both were enjoying themselves as they couldn't take their eyes off of each other's beautiful gorgeous faces. Zee fucked him relentlessly both were sweaty and flushed as together they reached for their second orgasm.

Nunew came first and splatter all his cum between their bodies. It took Zee two more thrust before he buried himself deep inside Nunew. He panted while filling Nunew with his cum.. Both were breathing heavily.

Nunew drops his legs from Zee hips as they catch their breath. He smiled looking at Nunew as he leaned and locked their lips together again. They also locked all their fingers as well and kissed and kissed until they were out of energy. When they pulled apart Nunew silently looked at his husband's lips

"I love you" Nunew muttered as Zee smiles broadly

"I love you too"  Zee whispered back...


"Shit" Nunew groan as he woke up...

He was sleeping on Zee chest after their activity. His hand was thrown on Zee waist. Suddenly Nunew panicked and he smacked his husband to wake him up. As soon as Zee opened his eyes Nunew practically screamed at his husband

"We didn't use protection Hia. What if I get pregnant" Nunew said panicking

Zee got alerted at first but when Nunew words registered in his brain he sighs in relief. He pulled Nunew again on his chest to sleep more

"It's alright we will have our fourth child".Zee said with sleepy voice as Nunew looked at his husband's face amused..

"Hia be serious" Nunew said as Zee breathes out softly stroking Nunew back

"I am serious baby we already have three amazing kids right now and adding one more wouldn't hurt" Zee said

Zee words spun around in Nunew head. His man had just said another kid wouldn't HURT. Are they already this much secure in their relationship at the moment. Can he feel this much sure like his husband is. There's still a 40 percent chance he can get pregnant and Nunew couldn't risk it or maybe he can?

If they had another child what they're going to do. Zee still doesn't live with him. And he is sure he'll be damned if after tonight he won't be able to sleep without cuddling with Zee. And what If he gets pregnant, he will want Zee close to him in general. Sure If ever he gets pregnant they would love their child and raise him up to be just as wonderful as his or her siblings.

" Baby we'll be fine, we are together now. I'll be here with you holding you close every day and night. And don't you remember you said that you wanted four or five kids else having only one child will be stupidly boring" Zee said breaking Nunew thoughts...

Nunew now remembers his own words he had said to Zee. His husband remembers all the small things he said to him. Having another child is good and with Zee beside him will be amazing. It seems possible and easy with Zeeand their kids. He softly let out a laugh at his man and closed the distance between their lips.

They kiss softly for a few as Nunew feeling himself go warm again like he was melting in his husband's embrace. He doesn't think he would ever get tired of kissing Zee. The warmth of Zee body, the tingle in his heart, everything felt like coming home. He will never get tired of this feeling and affection.

They kept softly kissing each other savoring the moment and feeling each other as long as it was possible. When they finally pulled apart Nunew turned to check the time.He breathed out and pulled himself from Zee naked body and went to grab his pants where his husband's had thrown earlier with his clothes. He can feel his husband's eyes on his ass, as he bends to pick up his pants from the floor.

"Stop staring Hia and get up. Our kids will be home soon" Nunew groaned and said.

It was true it was already 3:20 PM. Their kids will be home anytime now. Zee gets off from Nunew bed

"It's not my fault though. You bent over and I just had to look'' Zee muttered

Somehow both of them put on their clothes very quickly but the hard part was leaving the bedroom after dressing up. Zee had pushed Nunew against the wall and kissed him again and again until they heard the familiar sound of their kids in the house.

"Hia let me go.. the last thing I want is for kids to find us like this. Jake is going to make jokes for a long long time" Nunew said as Zee kept kissing his neck...

Zee just laughed hearing Nunew as they walked out of the bedroom. When they came out they saw their kids were on the couch near the food they left earlier. Jake was on the carpet with a big pack of chips, Jay was feeding himself and Mimi truffle on the couch.

"So You just see food and eat. What if we spit in it?" Nunew asked

"It's alright, We are part of you two" Jay immediately replied

"I think Jay wants to say we are made from you two. You know when you both come together" Jake explained

Zee suddenly started to laugh hard and he gave a wink to Nunew after hearing the pun his kids used in his sentence. Nunew plainly smiles back while shaking his head at his weird family. Their children have to live with the fact that their parents were all lovey dovey, ridiculously happy and in love together with each other.

They all piled up in front of the TV while eating the snacks. It was quarter past four...

"I say we go out for dinner tonight. Raise your hand if it's Yes" Jay announced

Mimi was in Zee arm and she excitedly screamed right in Zee ear causing him to wince at the loud sound. Everyone raised their hand including both parents. They decided to go to their favorite restaurant for dinner. It was not far and their children love the food. Plus it wasn't very spicy to their kids' taste.

Nunew asks all his kids to bring their homework on the kitchen table so that he can supervise them before they leave for family dinner. Jake groans as he gets up first with his chips packet to bring his homework to the kitchen table then behind him is Jay. Mimi shyly gets down from Zee lap and goes to Nunew. Zee started picking up empty packets and boxes of food to throw in the trash can. And he put the leftovers into the oven.

"Papa, is Daddy going to go with us?".Mimi asked

"Ofcourse princess'' Nunew replied

"Is he going to sleep here tonight? I want to see him in the morning like before".Mimi asked ....

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