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Nunew words were hitting him with such force. Nunew can clearly see Zee wasn't expecting it but he couldn't stop now. He had to keep going. Nunew had to push himself through and hold Zee. He stepped forward..

"I forgive You Hia. I have. That day at the clinic when we laughed and played with Jay together. It had to be one of the best days of my life". Nunew said softly

"I felt very happy too. It made me so happy that I want to have that again. Seeing Jay and You laugh with me. It made me ridiculously happy and very often Net finds me smiling and he thinks I've lost my mind but he just doesn't understand" Zee muttered as Nunew laughed a little in understanding

"Thanks for all the beautiful flowers though '' Nunew said as Zee eyes immediately widened in shock h

"H how did You know that it was me?" Zee asked with a shock in his face Win

"I had an hint that it's You" Nunew said as he just guessed..

Nunew was still not sure but after watching Zee's reaction he felt good to know it was his husband who was sending him beautiful gorgeous Marigolds and Lilies with wonderful meaning. Marigolds symbolize a lost love...

"You keep sending marigolds in the beginning" Nunew said as he wanted to move closer to his husband and wanted to be held by his man by his long lost love....

Now once again they found each other's love. Their lives will always be intertwined though. They had kids and they also had feelings for each other. It was never going to go away. No matter how hard they try or whatever obstacle they face. They will always stay together forever. Both were smiling like an idiot looking at each other...

"Are we being foolish here" Nunew asked

"Never we aren't being foolish. You have no idea how much I wanted to be with you..." Zee said immediately and paused.

"You want us to try again?" Nunew said as he completed Zee word

Nunew bites his bottom lip and his knees go weak. When Zee walks closer and stands right in front of him looking straight in his eyes he softly says

"I know I didn't hear anything wrong. And I know how the past one years have been like for the two of us. But we love each other and not in a simple sense of words. But we're still in love with each other so I want us to try" Zee said

After hearing Zee words Nunew felt like he could finally breathe. Nunew doesn't stop himself this time he slides his hands into Zee's and holds them, bringing them pressing them together tightly he felt like coming home feeling. Zee's hands in his. They both went through shit but they're still here together hand in hand. ..

"I will do anything to make this work" Zee said, squeezing Nunew hand. He raised their hand and pressed a kiss on Nunew knuckles.

"I want the same but for this to work we have to take it slow" Nunew said

"How slow?" Zee curiously asked

"A turtle pace" Nunew said with a playful tone as then both laugh and hug each other.

Nunew was getting ready he put on his t-shirt then slipped his sweater with black slack. He already asks Jay to baby sit the other two kids. Tonight he was going on a dinner date with Zee. All the kids were piled up on his bed and both boys' eyes were calculating as their Papa was getting ready.

"Papa where are you going?" Mimi ask curiously

"Papa Are you going on a date with Dad?. You seem very excited about it" Jake said before he could answer Mimi question

Nunew slipped his hand in his pocket. He was really excited. There was a noise in his heart and skipping in his steps which wasn't there before. Nunew still couldn't believe he was here going on a date with Zee and they're going to try it again.

"Yes. I am excited about it" Nunew answered shyly

"But Why?" Jake ask

"Because I love him. I am still in love with him. I still love him just as fiercely as I did fifteen years ago" Nunew replied without hesitation

"What if it doesn't work out again?" Jay ask suddenly

Nunew already informed his kids they both want to try but didn't talk much so he sat between his kids and put his hands wrapping both boys

"We have always been together and we still got our love which never left or died even when we were separated for a year. We have too much too loose and it's work risking it again. Besides you all know your Dad. You know what kind of man your father is. I have known him forever . I know him very well. Last year can be counted as an anomaly due to miscommunication. You remember Jay he was always there. He was always home with us. It was our both fault not just your Dad" Nunew told them

"We remember. Now go and have fun" Both boys happily said

After talking to his kids, Nunew really hopes he gets it right this time. Also he believes they'll both get it right this time. Nunew pressed a kiss on his children's hair ignoring the way Jay shook his head and scrunch his nose. His action made Nunew coos on his little ones growing up so fast. It wasn't just a decision he made overnight. It wasn't a decision he took because he was whipped for Zee. It wasn't an easy decision to take either. It has been hell of a journey to get them where they're now. But right now he's just happy that he still had Zee in his life. They were going to try and make sure it works this time for their sake, for the sake of their love and for the sake of their children.

It was 7 PM when the bell went off. While Nunew walks towards the door Mimi yelled at Nunew who abruptly stopped and turned back

"Papa You look good. Very pretty. Go and have fun with Dad and be back before bed time. Okay?" Mimi shouted as she then pushed Nunew towards the door and ran away giggling like a princess she was.

Nunew chuckled and shook his head on her daughter. He took a deep breath and pulled the door open. Nunew immediately forgot to breathe when he saw handsome Zee standing there looking like a dressed Sexy God. His hair styled back. Dressed in black button up shirt with dark blue suit with matching pants. He looked extremely gorgeous. Like the same way, he was staring at Nunew as he was the most gorgeous one. Nunew really never understood how Zee could stare at him like he was something beautiful and incredible when in fact in Nunew eyes his husband is the most gorgeous man he had ever seen in his entire life. It's been years but Zee still looks at him in the same way.

"Nu you look .." Zee said instantly as he reached out his hand and slide his hand with Nunew locking their fingers together. Nunew could already feel the heat spreading to his cheeks smiling shyly at the man in front of him.

"Thank You, you look great too" Nunew said shyly

He smile even wider when Zee raised their hand and pressed a kiss on his knuckle. Nunew wasn't expecting to feels like the same way he used to feel when he was seventeen. Everything felt like falling into its place.

"Let's get going" Zee said as he lead Nunew towards his car.....

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