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"I told you that I would protect your heart and treat it like its mine carefully and with full of love. I told you that I will hold into you, love you and treat you right. I told you... that you will always be number one... You will always be my love....." Zee said loudly as Nunew choked and cried loudly....

"I don't want to listen anymore... Tell me where are my kids?" Nunew ask as he wipes his tears

"I dropped Jake and Mimi to the school" Zee said

"And Jay??" Nunew asked curiously

"He's in his room" Zee muttered slowly..

Nunew felt cold and his whole body shivered thinking about Jay.. He must have been hearing their argument all this time. Nunew looked towards Jay bedroom and silently prayed that Jay Didn't heard them but he know his son very well... Nunew stood and walked towards his don bedroom with heavy footsteps...

"Hia please leave for now" Nunew said without turning back

"I'm not leaving you...not going anywhere" Zee argued

"You had no problem leaving before so please get out now" Nunew said as he turned and looked at Zee

"When do you want me to be back?" Zee ask back

"Just leave for now.... I don't want to see your face" Nunew said and without waiting for Zee reply he walked away...

Nunew wipes his tears and went inside. He looked around the room and frown when he didn't find his son. As he turned to leave he heard the sound of sobbing coming from the bathroom. He opened the door and looked at his son all cured up.. Nunew didn't hold back and immediately pulled his crying son in a tight hug. He felt so guilty when he saw his son shaking while he cry.

"Don't worry Jay.. everything will be fine" Nunew whispered as he embrace his son..

Nunew didn't leave Jay bedroom until Jake and Mimi came back home. He pretend to be strong and Jay was doing the same for his Papa. Suddenly the house felt so different. They had dinner and Nunew put them to sleep. Nunew kept staring at Zee bed side. He wonders if sending his husband out was good decision. What if Zee went to his lover place? What if he never return. Is he going to raise their kids alone. Nunew thought about breaking their marriage and getting divorce because he didn't want Zee to stay with them and after what happened between them it is impossible to fix anything..

He checked his phone and there was few missed calls from Nat and Nunew replied that he is fine and they will talk tomorrow. Then he heard footsteps and his bedroom door opens and one by one and all kids were piled up in his bed..

"Papa don't cry.. We love you.. We don't want Daddy... He made you cry" Jake said quietly

Nunew felt cold as he realized his tears didn't stopped. Jay then whispered to Nunew that both Jake and Mimi also saw what he saw at McDonald. Nunew got speechless for a moment. Once again he didn't know how to response to his kids. His eyes became teary and Jay told his younger to go back to sleep..

Nunew thought about how he will manage since he is not working and he can't live with Zee anymore. He can live without Zee for months but at some point his kids will need Zee especially Jake and Mimi as they are too small to understand anything. He kept them about the future and soon drifted off to sleep..

The next morning he woke and his nostril filled with the smell of delicious pancake. He went down with his Mimi after he freshen up and dressed his baby for the kinder garden. He smiled once he saw Jay making pancake. Even after sleeping so late Jay had woken up so early and made breakfast for everyone.

"Papa eat your breakfast before its gets cold" Jay said as Nunew sit beside Jake.

Nunew was about to eat his breakfast when the door bell ring so he got up and told his children to keep eating. As soon as he opened the door he got stiffen looking at Zee. All sort of questions came to his mind. Did Zee forgot his keys? What if Zee came back to take his stuff or he came back because he missed his family. Nunew kept staring at Zee face which he missed for months and now looking at Nunew with sad and painful face.

Nunew saw his husband seems to be different.. Its seems his husband hasn't slept for the whole night. His husband must have been crying all night as his eyes were all red with dark circles. For once Nunew felt happy thinking his husband maybe cried for him and his kids but he couldn't..

"What do you want Hia?" Nunew ask

"Nu I missed you and the kids" Zee said softly

"I missed you all" Zee said once again as he took a step forward.

"Then where were you in past months. I don't really recalled you being with us. Tell me why are you here...?" Nunew ask

"Nu I said I'm sorry" Zee replied

"If you don't have anything more then bye...I have to take kids to the school and I don't have time to listen to your bullshit. So why don't you go back to your lover" Nunew said

"Nu I told you... there's nothing between me and him. You mean everything to me. Nunew Chawarin Panich means everything to me. You and kids are my everything" Zee said in a pleading tone and before Nunew could reply anything Jay came..

"That a fucking lie" Jay said as both husbands got stunned at looked at Jay with wide eyes

"Jay he is your Dad" Nunew said as he came forward

"Papa how can you tolerate his presence after what he did to us. He can take his house and shove all his money for that asshole" Jay said looking straight at his Zee..

"Jay Pruk Panich Shut Up Your Mouth" Nunew yelled angrily at his son

How can his son speak this kind of think and to all his Dad... Though he know Zee had done wrong but his son shouldn't speak to his Dad like that

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