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All the kids left one by one to pack their bags, leaving Zee and Nunew alone in the bedroom.

"Hia are you sure about this? Nunew asked

"Absolutely Nu we deserve a little vacation" Zee replied

"This isn't little" Nunew said as softly kiss Nunew knuckles

''This isn't a lot either" Zee said as Nunew cups Zee cheeks

"Thank you" Nunew said

"For what?" Zee asked curiously

"For not giving up on us. For fighting for us. For our kids. For our love" Nunew explained

"I will continue to do so. I want you and the kids to know how much You all mean to me. I love you all very much. I will not repeat my mistake. I will always come to u no matter how small the things is." Zee said as Nunew nodded..

"I will also come to You. No matter how small the matter is. I will also fight for us, for kids. I love You" Nunew said

"Have I told you today how much I love You".Zee asked as Nunew pursed his lips controlling his wide smile

"Hmm I don't recall it. Maybe You can just show me instead of just announcing it" Nunew said smirking

Zee pushed Nunew on bed but right then they heard Mimi yell ..

"You're right Phi they're again being mushy with each other" Mimi says as Zee and Nunew again got still and shocked as they saw the door was open.

"Hia why do we keep forgetting to lock the door" Nunew asked as Zee laugh

"I'll be back get your safe word ready" Zee whispered into Nunew ear and got up..

Zeewent out to check on his daughter. She actually came with Jake to ask that can she take her pet on vacation for few months...

Months Later....

Nunew moans loudly trying to push his face more into his pillow as Zee spreads his ass cheeks apart and licks his way. Zee tongue pushed past the tight ring which was hidden between Nunew ass cheeks.

Nunew was sweating, his heart racing miles into minutes. His chest all flushed and red. His hair already a fucking mess with all the things they have been doing..

"" Nunew moaned as Zee had been going on for what feels like an hour and he was still not satisfied eating Nunew.

Nunew wanted to have his husband's cock inside him. Zee had pulled him off the edge several times already; he just wanted his husband to make him come so hard that he forgot his name for a while.

"What do you want Baby?" Zee asked still kissing...

"I want to come" Nunew said as he shook in pleasure

"Be a good boy to Daddy and ask me properly" Zee says as Nunew tighten his grip on the sheets..

  "Please Please let me come Daddy" Nunew says

He let out a silent gasp when Zee pushed his hard cock into the Nunew hole. Zee drapes his hands on Nunew tummy and pressed a kiss on Nunew neck. He pushed himself until he was fully in and out inside Nunew. Because Zee knew very well how Nunew craved to get fuck every single day when he's pregnant.

"Fuck harder" Nunew gasped and let out a cried moan.

Zee thrusted deep hitting the spot. Nunew clenched tightly around Zee cock and colored the sheet. He thrusted few more times he doesn't hesitate to thrust himself harder because he know Nunew like it hard and fast. He hit the spot few more times and filled up his five month pregnant husband completely with his warm seeds.

Nunew felt happy and content the way Zee has been taking care of him. They had come a long way. Fifteen years of relationship they hit a hard bump on the road and spent a Year apart but they're going to be fine now. Nunew rubs their noses together in gentle kiss and smile a little ...

"I love you Hia" Nunew said..

"I love you too Always and forever" Zee replied and kissed Nunew gently with so much love that he can't even explain...

Thank you so much first of all to my was a weird journey but still I feel happy knowing you all waited for update everyday even though I could sometimes goes on break with telling.....

And as this story gets completed I am really grateful and I wanted to inform you that I will be continuing the story....,,

"Whipped For my Baby" soon.....

Maybe by the last week of December or by the 23rd of dec....I hope you enjoyed...

Lastly don't forget to follow and support and give love to ZeeNunew.........

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