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7 months later....

Nunew woke up and groan hearing his phone ringtone but before he pick up, it got disconnected. He finally woke and rub his eyes and when he check his phone his saw a message for Joss...Its been very normal between Nunew and Joss as one day Nunew was late to pick Mimi and Joss waited till Nunew came and then Nunew gave lift to Joss as thanking him. Now its been always like that whenever Nunew is late or has meeting to attend Joss will take care of Mimi...

"Are you awake yet?" Joss texted him

"Yes, kids got school. I got work. Are you still on for lunch later?" Nunew replied back

Without waiting for any reply Nunew went out from bedroom to kitchen where he saw Jake is already eating his breakfast while Jay was helping Mimi to wash her mouth after eating.

"Morning Papa" All his kids greeted Nunew cheerfully

"Morning" Nunew says as he kisses all his kids

Jay give the coffee to Nunew and Nunew sit besides Jake when his phone suddenly vibrate...

"I am so down for the lunch like a how fast the flashlight is" Joss texted

Nunew snort at Joss jokes which he find it horrible but he still believes no one can beat Zee at cracking horrible jokes. He never thought he would be able to survive without Zee but he did... Once the kids went to the school, Nunew cleaned everything up and immediately took a quick shower...

Once he was ready, he left the house for his lunch date with Joss. No he was not dating joss. They are good friends and Joss was still courting him to give up. Jay and Jake was not good fan of Joss but Mimi who was very much fond of her teacher. Nunew did realize that he was not feeling anything for Joss but he was sure Joss makes him feel something.....something that he can't explain and surely not love.....

But as the situation with Zee was different. Net was Zee assistant and more like a friend and he would often see Zee was spaced out or sometimes he would see tears in Zee eyes. Net already heard about Zee and Nunew separation but not the actual reason. As months passed Nunew seem more busier than ever with work and due to his busy schedule Zee couldn't able to meet the kids since last two weeks. Zee desperately waited every other weekend to meet his kids. Now he has two more days to see Nunew and the kids. And after they finished meeting Net took Zee to his house where James was cooking dinner.

Zee had already moved out of his big house and brought a small apartment close by the office. He can't cook and Net always take him to his house for dinner. He was miserable as last few months felt like he was moving like a machine. Zee sigh thinking what if Nunew and Tay start dating or did Nunew find someone. He walked out of the office and saw a flower shop. There were beautiful flower and he picked some flower and gave the Nunew address to get it delivered and didn't put any cards...

As they reached Net house, Zee sat down on the couch and saw pictures of Net and James all over the wall. It made Zee feel envious when he first visited. He felt bad for not able to make Nunew blush again. He don't think he will ever make Nunew smile and laugh again.

"I told you he has been like this since morning" Net said to James as Zee snapped out of his thoughts and look up to the couple staring at him

"Zee you have to tell us what wrong? You are scaring us. We are worried for you lately. You kept staring at the spot and sometimes you cry without even noticing" Net said as Zee sigh and closed his eyes..

"Maybe Zee needs a little liquid courage to pour his heart out" James said as he brought some wine.

It took Zee 5 glass to speak up. He talked and let it out everything Infront of Net and James. The couple only listen without interrupting.

"You could have done that in a better way" James said as Zee looked up with unexpected word.

'Let me make it simple....Your insecurities got out of control and you masked it" Net said as he understood that Zee didn't understand James word.

"Anytime I looked at him, I could hear a little voice inside my head saying I ruined his life. He was always at home and he even turned down his favorite job for me. I felt like I took away all his favorite thing which made him happy" Zee said

"So you stop going home?" James ask as Zee nods in reply

"I wanted to tell him so badly but the closer I got the louder the voice was inside my head...And then I made a huge mistake when I painted Saint with everything Nunew had. I imagine him with Nunew eyes, his hair, his small giggle and even Nunew clothes" Zee said as both Net and James looked at each other.

"I think you need professional help and I will accompany you with your session" Net said as he sit beside Zee and held his hand.

"I promise we will be there for you if you need any kind of help" James said as Zee gave them a small smile..

As now is the weekend Zee went to pick up his kids a little early than his usual time. He rang the bell and waited patiently but inside he was desperate to see Nunew and the kids. Nunew was surprised to see Zee standing at his doorstep instead of waiting inside the car like always...

"Hi.. kids will be ready in a few...Could you like to wait...inside?" Nunew slowly ask

Zee was about to say when Jay and Jake came out with small bag in their hand. Both boys didn't say anything and directly went towards the car. Zee was about to ask where Mimi was when suddenly Joss walks out with Mimi with her purple blanket. Zee eye widened watching Joss comfortably carrying Mimi from her bedroom. Nunew saw Zee widened eyes and how Zee expression change. But a broad smile appeared when Mimi squeal cheerfully...

"Daddyyyy" Mimi said as Joss put her down and she immediately went into Zee embrace.

Nunew thought its was the first time Zee and Joss met each other...Zee caried his daughter and walked back towards his car and put Mimi on her seat. Zee turned to Nunew and smiled softly..

"Bye Nu.. It was mice to see you aft..." Zee was about to say when Joss came and stand beside Nunew as he put his arms around Nunew waist...

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