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"You said there were scratches?" Mark ask as Zee move his gaze from flower portrait to Mark...

As always Zee came on time for his therapy and now he is a bit comfortable to talk with Mark but still couldn't talk about his thing to Nunew...

"Yeah" Zee replies and nods his head

"How did you get them since you and Saint never had sex?" Mark ask as Zee rubs his head and thinks for a moment.

"He was....into it... While kissing he tried to grab my skin by sliding his hands under my shirt.. He scratch every time I move or wriggle" Zee replied slowly

Mark wrote down a few things on his notepad and think for a few moment...

"Did Saint knew you were married?" Mark ask as Zee nods

"Yeah I talk to Saint about Nunew. All the time and he shut me up each time with kiss. We never had sex, no oral, never nothing beside kissing" Zee replies as Mark put his notepad aside and look directly at Zee eyes..

"Why do you think he left scratches on you back Zee?" Mark ask

Zee took a moment to think and he took his time and seems sudden realization hit him which he never thought about it before Mark ask him this question....

"He wanted Nunew to see them and leave me" Zee said as he rubs his face with realization

"This is want happened I guess" Mark says as he walk towards Zee and tap his shoulder..

As for Nunew he clicks several pictures of Mimi making flower crown which Nunew received from his unknown admirer. He sent the pictures to Zee and smile thinking about Zee..

"So what do you guys want for dinner? Home cook or delivery?" Nunew ask his kids..

"Papa pizza....Phi wants it too" Mimi says with a cute pout.

Nunew is not going to be swayed nope he is strong. Then he looked at Jake who is already looking at Nunew with hopeful expression...

"Pizza could be great Papa" Jake says cutely and who is Nunew to say no..

"Ok we will eat Pizza today and rest of the week I will cook vegetables" Nunew says as a revenge to them..

In the end Nunew look at Jay as he was already laughing at his Papa. Nunew gave a fake glare at Jay..

"For are going to order for everyone" Nunew says as right then he gets Zee message..

"She looks adorable" Zee replied

Nunew checks his phone as he read the message and smiles..

"Obviously...she is my daughter" Nunew replies

Nunew held his phone in his hand this time and he went to sit beside Jake to see what he was doing..

"Its my maths homework. Jay is so good at maths" Jake muttered before Nunew could take a look..

"I know he solve it like it a primary school work.. He got it from Daddy" Nunew response

Nunew looked at Jay giving order for pizza and he coos at his smart kid. His phone buzz once again...

"Obviously...Any dinner plan?" Zee ask

"I got manipulated to buy Pizza" Nunew replied back

"Kids gave you their puppy eyes.. Didn't they?" Zee ask back

"I don't know what are you talking about?" Nunew replied back..

He sent his message and start giggling.. Jay was already staring at Nunew with his eyebrow raised.. Nunew happily blew a kiss at his son while giggling and Nunew phone buzz again..

"Order pizza for me too" Zee texted

Nunew heart hurts immediately and his smile drop thinking Zee probably be having his dinner alone all this time.. He couldn't tell him to come over and eat with them as they had just started to be friends again and this would be jumping over many lines. He put his phone on the couch and look at his children. For him all his kids were like an angel and he is not biased though. His phone kept blinking for a next couple of hours...

After eating dinner they all were on the living room watching movies. Its was already 9:30 and Nunew carries Mimi into her room. He tucked her into the blanket and kissed her forehead and same goes to Jay and Jake.. He made his way in his bedroom and laid down on his bed. Suddenly his phone buzz again....

"Good night Nu...Sweet dream" Zee texted him but he didn't replied...

Its been few days since Jay finds his Papa always smiling at his phone. Today was the first day of therapy for Jay and he just came back home...

"How was therapy?" Nunew ask as Jay sit beside him

"Good.. we talk about a couple of things and how come you didn't tell me Daddy is seeing someone too? I saw his name on the waiting list board" Jay ask

Nunew slightly got shaken up on his seat...Its almost a year and it was the first time Jay had called Zee Daddy in front of him after the incident..

"Its was not my information to share. He is trying to work on himself too" Nunew replied but suddenly his phone buzz...

"Is Jay okay?" Zee texted

"Yes, he knows you are seeing a therapist too" Nunew replied

"He must have seen my name on the waiting list" Zee texted back

"How did today go?" Nunew ask

"Terrifying but good" Zee replied

Nunew and Zee were messaging each other since afternoon and today Nunew was missing him so much. He wanted to see Zee in person even more now after reading his last text but he couldn't just ask him to meet without any specific reason. His phone buzz once again..

"There this one night, only show at the opera house.. would you like to go with me next Friday?" Zee texted

"Or you could go with whoever you want" Zee texted again

Nunew laugh softly as he can imagine Zee nervously typing this text trying not to make thing awkward between them but the thing was he already promise to go with someone else...

"I would like to but I'm already going with Joss" Nunew replied

"Okay" Zee replied shortly

"It was sweet of you to ask though" Nunew texted back

"That's me the sweet guy" Zee texted back

Nunew snorted at Zee replies. He shook his head and sent a few laughing emoji to Zee and put his phone back in his pocket. As per Nat word Joss did come around but he is no more courting Nunew after reconciling. They are just good friends and coincidently Joss got front row tickets of the show. When Joss ask him to accompany him Nunew couldn't say no. They were good friends for a year after all and now he already started feeling bad for declining Zee..

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