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15 years later....

Tears fall down Nunew eyes to his cheeks. He quickly wipes it and check the time, its already 11:30 pm and his husband still not home yet. He get up from his bed and went straight to the kitchen. He warm up some milk for his second child and went to his room. The big light were off but the bed side lamp was still on. As soon as his 9 years old son Jake who is soft and a quiet kid looked at him he smiled.

"Papa" Jake his son whispered

"Here bunny have some milk. It will help you sleep" Nunew softly handed his little boy a cup of milk.

"Thank you Papa" Jake said as he took the glass from Nunew as he smiles and strokes his son head gently..

"Papa is Daddy back yet?" Jake ask as soon as he finished the cup of milk..

Nunew doesn't replied immediately instead he started helping his son to take off his round frame glasses then closed the story book as he started tucking his son under the sheets.

"Daddy has a lot of work to do Bunny" Nunew said softly as he caressed his son head

"That's what you said last week too when Daddy didn't joined us for Jay's birthday party" Jake immediately muttered...

Nunew took a deep breath and then sighed. He start thinking how he is already running out of excuses. While he was thinking of what he should do to make his children understand when the truth is he himself doesn't know where his husband is spending time and what he is doing.

"Papa, Daddy doesn't come home anymore. He doesn't talk to us and play with us. Also Jay is always angry on you" Jake again spoke softly looking with his sad eyes..

Nunew look at his son knowing its true and not only him but his children are hurting too with how his husband is never home and comes always late. Nunew gulped and then smile at jake and pressed a kiss on his son head..

"Bunny, Jay is going through puberty where he is growing and don't worry about him. He will be fine.. Go to sleep now...Good Night Bunny" Nunew chuckle and said..

Nunew then switch off the lamp and picked up the empty glass and exit the room. He doesn't know Jake has noticed Jay anger towards him. He wonders if his baby girl Mimi noticed it too.

Jay seems always angry at him whatever he does. Even when he simply dropping his laundry at his room Jay gets angry at him. Nunew doesn't know why and what he did to his elder son to get this angry. Nunew sigh and decided to just talk and find out what's the problem is. He then made his way to his eldest sons bedroom.

Nunew walked towards Jay's bedroom and opened the door quietly and saw all the lights were off except the light coming from his phone. Jay saw his Papa opened the door and looked at Nunew...

"What do you want?" Jay ask with very harsh tone

Nunew lightly flinched at his sons harsh tone and wonders if his son talk with others this way. Nunew dropped the idea to enter inside the room. He just stand at the door frame leaning his shoulder by the door.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay" Nunew said softly

"Well now that you have seen, you can leave now" Jay replied as Nunew took a deep breath

"Have I done something wrong lately to make you this upset. You are always angry. Let me know if I have done something wrong let me know" Nunew said softly

Nunew doesn't get a reply instead his son locked his phone and closed his eyes. It was a silent way of saying their discussion was over. Nunew gripped tighten at the cup he was holding. He closed the door behind him and walk towards his baby girl room. She was already fast asleep. Nunew adjusted the sheets and kissed her head and left the room.

On the way he checked the time its was showing 12:30 and his husband hasn't returned. Nunew wonders if his husband has eaten. He put the cup in the sink and took out his phone from his pocket. He dialed Zee's number and it directly went to voice mail. Nunew tried again but it always went to voice mail. He put his phone back and covered Zee's food properly in the oven and walk to his living room and switched on the Netflix.

Nunew yawn again and again. He checked the time again and its shows 2 in the morning. He switched off the tv and made his way back to the bedroom. He was tired and wanted to sleep but he was so worried about his husband that he couldn't.

Nunew thought of he should call his husband again. He was still looking at his phone when his bedroom room opened and the little light comes in. If it was the Younger version of Nunew he could have hissed and groaned but not anymore. He saw Zee looks so tired, his ruffles hair as if he runs his fingers through them.

Nunew observe his eyes as it looks bright and his lips swollen. His shirt slightly tucked into the pants, the pink and black shocks mismatched unlike in the morning when he left. Zee appearance made Nunew tense. This is not how Zee left in the morning for his work. Nunew just kept staring at his husband without moving. Zee stares back at Nunew and gave him a small smile. Nunew wanted to return the smile and ask his husband why was he late but no matter how much Nunew tries he just couldn't do it..

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