Halloween Night(Gnomeo[Gnomeo and Juliet] X Reader)

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Happy very belated Halloween.


Gnomeo smiled at you as you walked into the alley with a bag full of candy. "How was it?"

"Pretty good," you smiled back. You set your bag down by the Blue side of the fence. "Stay here, I'm gonna go get a blanket so I don't mess my costume up."

You ran into your house, grabbed an old blanket, and came back out into the alley. You laid the blanket down by your bag then sat down with your knees bent. Gnomeo climbed into your lap. He kissed your lips. "So, Beetlejuice this year, huh?"

"I've been wanting to go as Beetlejuice for a while. I just haven't been able to get the costume until last week," you replied. You pulled your bag of candy to you and began to feast.

"Anyone say it three times?" he smiled.

You giggled. "A lot."



You looked down at Gnomeo. "Wanna stay with me tonight, Gnomeo?"

He smiled with a nod. "I'd love to."

You set Gnomeo on your shoulder, threw the blanket over your opposite shoulder, grabbed your candy, and walked into your house. Gnomeo held your hair so he wouldn't fall. You tossed the blanket into the laundry hamper on the way to your room.

Once in your room, you closed your door and set Gnomeo and your bag on your bed. You gave him a quick kiss. "I'm gonna take a shower. I'll try to be quick."

"Take your time, orchid," Gnomeo told you.


Now clean and having a clean mouth, you and Gnomeo were laying in your bed.

"Tonight was fun," you smiled.

The gnome smiled softly. "I'm glad. I know Halloween is your favorite holiday."

You had your arm folded under your head. You and Gnomeo were facing each other. His position copied yours.

"Tybalt didn't say anything when you left, did he?" he inquired protectively.

"No. None of the Reds said anything. Juliet complimented me, but Redbrick reprimanded her," you said with a roll of your eyes.

"Do you think the gardens will ever get along?" Gnomeo asked.

"That all depends on my mom and Mr. Capulet. I think when and if they forgive and forget, that's when there'll be peace between the gardens. Until then," you smiled, "we just gotta show those Reds who's better."

Gnomeo chuckled. "That's my girl."


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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