A Night Of Luxury(Spy[Team Fortress 2] X Scout!Reader)

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Not incest, I repeat, not incest. You're not related to Spy at all. Not incest. You're just an extra Scout on RED.


"Will (Y/N) please come to my smoking room? Merci."

You looked up from your notebook at Scout. His gaze met with yours.

"What's dat about?" he questioned.

"I'm about to find out," you said. You put your notebook and pen to the side, got off the couch, and left the living room. You went to Spy's smoking room.

He actually quit for you. He just never changed the name of the room.

You walked in and closed the door behind you. "Spy?"

The Frenchman appeared in front of you. He lacked his mask and sported a plush robe that matched his suit. He smiled down at you. "The bathroom, cheri."

You followed him to his bathroom. You were met with lit candles of various sizes, the bathtub filled with steaming water, and a set of plush pajamas folded neatly on the sink counter. "What's all this?"

"What does it look like?"

"We're going to bathe together?" you guessed.

"I'm going to bathe you," he answered. "You deserve some pampering." He then pulled off your shirt and unhooked your bra. It slid off your shoulders and down your arms.

Your clothes were soon in a pile on the floor. Your dog tags were on top of the pile. Spy helped you into the tub. He sat on his calves next to the tub. He smiled at you. You smiled timidly back at him. "What?"

"You. Everything about you. Je t'aime, mon amour," he swooned.

"I love you too, Spy," you replied.

He pressed his lips to yours. You kissed back eagerly.

The kiss lasted a few long moments. Once you separated, you both gently rested your foreheads together. 

"Ready for a night of luxury?" he smiled.

"Bring it on," you smiled then kissed his nose.


Would you guys be interested in an OC F/O? More so a sona F/O. Sounds weird and a bit narcissistic, but it's not, I swear.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot. 

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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