-If You Love Me For Me-

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A/N: "If You Love Me For Me" (Barbie Princess & The Pauper) 

*In which Sokeefe sings a duet. * 

Sophie's POV: 

As Keefe sat down at the piano, He glanced at me and nodded, indicating that he's ready. I nodded back, showing that I prepared too. We're about to sing a special love duet that I wrote myself, and it's perfect. He gently places his hands on the piano keys and begins to play, I let the music flow and allow my heart to take control.

(Sophie) (Keefe) (Both)

"Once a lass met a lad, you're a gentle one said she. In my heart, I'd be glad if you loved me for me. You say your love is true. And I hope that it will be."

I sing sweetly, my voice complimenting the melody that Keefe is playing on the piano. As we harmonize, our voices blend beautifully, creating a harmony that feels like magic. I can't help but smile as I listen to Keefe's incredible voice – it's as if every word he sings is filled with all the tenderness and love in the world.

"I'd be sure, if I knew that you loved me for me," Keefe sings his part, his eyes locked with mine. His voice wraps around me like a warm embrace, and I can't help but feel a rush of emotion. I love him. With every fiber of my being, I love him.

The music continues to float through the air, transforming the room into our little sanctuary. The lyrics speak of uncertainties and hopes, of hidden truths and believing in each other. Through each verse, we share our vulnerabilities, our fears, and our desires.

"Could I be the one you're seeking. Will I be the one you choose. Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues," I add on to the song, my voice quivering with emotion.

"What you see may be deceiving, truth lies underneath the skin," Keefe sings, his face filled with love and admiration. His eyes lock with mine, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the depth of his gaze. It's as if he sees through all my walls and sees me for who I truly am.

"Hope will blossom by believing. The heart that lies within," we sing together, our voices perfectly intertwined. It's a moment of pure connection, as if our souls are dancing to the same rhythm. In this moment, I know that we are made for each other – our voices, our hearts, everything about us fits together perfectly.

"I'll be yours, together we shall always be as one. If you love me for me," Keefe sings, the words resonating deeply within him. Keefe's voice merges with mine, our harmonies creating a sense of unity that transcends the music itself. It's a promise, a declaration of our love and commitment to each other.

"Who can say where we'll go? (I'll be yours) Who can promise what will be? (Together we shall ways but'll stay by your side. Be as one)" we sing, our voices filled with joy and anticipation. The music swells, enveloping us in its embrace, as we continue to sing, finding our song in each other's hearts. It's amazing when we have each other, singing together and finding our song in our hearts.

"If you love me for me. If you love me for me." We finish singing.

As the final notes fade, we sit in a moment of blissful silence. The room is filled with the lingering magic of our music, and we stay there, simply holding each other's gaze, basking in the love that surrounds us.

In that moment, I realized that it doesn't matter where our journey takes us or what challenges we may face. With Keefe by my side, singing our song, I know that we can conquer anything that comes our way. Love, like the music we create together, is a beautiful melody that will guide us through every twist and turn, every high and low.

And as the final chord of our song echoes in the air, I know in my heart that our love is real, enduring, and bound to grow into something even more extraordinary. Together, we will write the lyrics of our lives, creating a beautiful symphony of love, melody, and happiness.

He smiled, his hand instinctively reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart skipped a beat, and I found myself holding my breath, waiting for his next move.

"Foster," Keefe whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "There's something I've been wanting to do all night."

His words hung in the air, and I felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness swirling within me. Before I could say anything, before I could even process his intentions, his lips met mine in a soft, gentle kiss.

Time seemed to stand still as our lips danced together, the world fading away around us. It was a kiss filled with all the passion and tenderness that the night had held. In that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in existence.

As we pulled away, a shared smile playing on our lips, I felt a warmth spread through my body. It was as if this kiss had sealed something between us, deepening the connection we already shared. It was a moment that I knew I would treasure forever. 



"Ok. Micheal Stevens here for bed wetting." (Stephen--Worst Psychiatrist Ever)

Keep Being Cool


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