-Love From Afar-

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A/N: "Love Story" Taylor Swift

Keefe's POV: 

Every morning, I find myself making my way to the cozy little Creperie on the corner. The scent of freshly baked pastries fills the air as I push open the door, a wave of warmth washing over me. The familiar faces of the owner and the other regulars greet me with nods and smiles. But there's one face in particular that I'm always searching for among the crowd: Sophie.

Sophie Foster. Or as I like to call her Foster. She works in the Creperie with her adoptive mom Edaline. I love seeing her every morning when I come here. She's got my order down to a T. Two crepe's one with butter and powdered sugar, the other with caramel sauce and raspberries oh and a hot chocolate when it is cold outside. If it isn't cold outside, I usually get either water or peach lemonade.

Sophie is a girl with an aura that shines brighter than the morning sun. Her blonde hair cascades down her shoulders, framing her face, and her brown eyes are warm and kind. I've admired her from afar for months now, too shy to approach her and confess my feelings. Instead, I make it a point to come to the Creperie every morning, just to catch a glimpse of her, to fuel my heart with hope.

Today is no different. I take my usual spot by the window, strategically chosen to have the best view of Sophie as she makes her way to the counter. The bell above the door tinkles softly. She greets a regular customer, Vanessa, with a warm smile, and my heart skips a beat.

I love seeing her blonde hair shine in the light, and her beautiful brown eyes with those tiny golden flecks. Most of all, I just love seeing her smile. To be honest, I think I am falling in love with her. Every time I see her, I always get this warm feeling in my chest, and I can just imagine us together in love, happy, cuddling on the couch, looking at each other with sweet adoration and happiness.

Wouldn't that be the best thing ever? It sure would.

I wish we could call each other sweet pet names and do the nicest things for each other. It would be amazing, but I can only dream for now. I don't know where life will take me, but I know it will be interesting.

I know I have it bad, but I can't help it. Watching her from afar and loving her is rough. She doesn't even know me. It's strange how love works, always working in mysterious ways. No one knows how it truly works because it's from your heart. All you know about love is the feeling you feel inside your heart, which is indescribable. You can only feel it for yourself, and you'll know what it is.

Anyway, I just hope that one day she will love me too. I can dream, right? What matters now is that she is happy. I would do anything to see her happy. Even if it means loving her from a distance. Love makes you do crazy things, even if it means watching her fall in love with someone else and be happy. It will hurt, but her happiness is the most important thing.

I would give anything to see her beautiful smile.

For now, I'll just dream and love her from afar.  



"Rumpelstiltskin, OH SHOOT. Ahh dang it, ahh totally, Can't believe I did that. Fetch." (Matt--The Original Gold Digger.) 

Keep Being Cool


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