-Little Bundle of Joy-

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A/N: "Bundle of Joy" Inside Out (PT 2 of I'm Gonna Be A.....) 

*Married Life AU* 

Sophie's POV: 

I couldn't believe it. After years of waiting and praying, my husband Keefe and I were finally going to meet our miracle baby girl. As we entered the hospital room that would forever change our lives, I felt a whirlwind of emotions coursing through me. Excitement, anticipation, and a touch of nervousness all mingled within my heart.

The room was filled with a soft glow from the afternoon sunlight streaming through the window. The air was filled with a mixture of sterile hospital smells and the faint aroma of flowers from a bouquet on the bedside table. The atmosphere seemed to vibrate with an electric energy as the doctor and nurses prepared for the arrival of our precious daughter.

Time seemed to both fly by and stand still as we anxiously awaited the moment we had dreamed of for so long. We held each other's hands tightly, finding solace in the strength and love we shared. The rhythmic sound of our baby's heartbeat echoed from the monitor, reminding us of the miracle taking place within my body.

After what felt like an eternity of hard work and pain, I finally heard our baby girl's cry. It was a special moment, marking my transition into motherhood. This is the greatest gift I could ever receive. Our little miracle has arrived, and we are now a complete family with the addition of our adorable baby girl. All our hopes and dreams are coming true in this moment. I am finally a mom, something I have always wanted to be.

I watched with tear-filled eyes as our little bundle of joy was placed in my arms. She gazed up at me with innocent, wide eyes, and in that instant, my heart swelled with a love more profound than I could have ever imagined.

Keefe has finally become a father. I can already tell that he will be the best dad ever for our little girl. She will have so much fun living with us. I can just imagine all the things we will do together and all the memories we will create. The happy ones, the sad ones, and of course, all the sweet milestones that will happen in her life. Like her first word, when she starts walking, and so much more.

Keefe's soft voice broke the spell. "She's perfect, Foster," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. I couldn't agree more. Our baby girl with her tiny fingers and delicate features, was the epitome of perfection. She was our greatest creation, a living testament to the love that Keefe and I shared.

"Here's your daughter, Mrs. Foster," one of the nurses said, placing the bundle of joy in my arms. I just cried tears of joy. Nothing could describe how I felt at this moment as I held my new daughter in my arms, with Keefe beside me shedding tears of joy of his own. It was a beautiful, emotional moment.

"Hello, baby girl," Keefe says, smiling at his new daughter. "Welcome to the world, our little miracle."

"Our little miracle. You've finally come. I'm your mom, sweet girl. You are going to be so happy," I say to her, looking at her sweet, soft little newborn face. She's so precious. The best part about this will be watching her grow up, but that's the worst part too. A part of you wants them to grow up and be happy, while another part of you wants them to stay little and adorable.

"Meet Calla Abigail Foster, our little bundle of joy," I say as I hold her for a little longer before letting Keefe hold his new daughter. It was one of the most precious things I've ever seen - my handsome, sweet husband holding his daughter. I made sure to take a picture. Once I was finished getting cleaned up, we took our first family photo together in our room. It was the first of many more to come. I can't wait to see where life takes us next, cherishing our new baby girl.

My heart felt complete.  



"My name is David Wayne Starr with a double r." (Jeremey--Middle School Kid Ruins The News)

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