-Until She was Ready-

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Keefe's POV: 

As I walked through the bustling halls of Foxfire Academy, my heart felt heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. Sophie's radiance filled every corner of my mind, her laughter echoing in my ears, a melody that I could never get enough of. I had known for a while now that my feelings for her ran deeper than friendship, deeper than any word could encompass. But reality had taught me a harsh lesson - sometimes love needed to wait for the right moment.

Sophie was an enigma, a whirlwind of determination and kindness that drew everyone in like moths to a flame. And I was no exception. From the first moment we met, I knew she was someone special, someone worth fighting for. But fate had other plans, and I found myself standing on the sidelines, watching her bloom into a beacon of hope for others while keeping my own flames hidden.

I made a silent vow to myself that day - I would be whatever Sophie needed me to be. A friend, a confidante, a shoulder to lean on. I would shed the mask of the charming troublemaker and reveal the part of me that had been yearning for her attention, for her understanding. It wasn't about being the hero, about sweeping her off her feet with grand gestures. It was about being there, in the small moments that mattered, in the whispers of late-night conversations and the shared smiles that spoke volumes.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but my resolve never wavered. I was there for her, through thick and thin, through laughter and tears. I listened to her dreams, her fears, her hopes for a future that seemed both bright and uncertain. And through it all, I cherished every moment, every stolen glance that told me she saw me, truly saw me, beyond the facades we all wore in this world of magic and mystery.

But as time went by, a gnawing doubt crept into my heart. What if I had misjudged the signs, the signals that whispered of a possible future beyond friendship? What if Sophie was content with the status quo, with the comfortable rhythm of our shared moments that never quite crossed the line into something more?

One fateful evening, as the stars twinkled overhead and the moon cast its silver glow over the academy grounds, I found myself standing in front of Sophie, my heart pounding in my chest, my words caught in my throat. It was now or never, the moment I had been both dreading and longing for. And as I looked into her eyes, so full of warmth and understanding, I knew that it was time to lay my feelings bare, to take that leap of faith into the unknown.

"Sophie," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, "there's something I need to tell you."

Her gaze softened, a flicker of curiosity dancing in those mesmerizing eyes. "What is it, Keefe?" she asked, her voice a gentle melody that soothed the turmoil in my soul.

Taking a deep breath, I plunged into the depths of my heart, revealing the feelings that had been buried for so long, the emotions that threatened to overwhelm me with their intensity. "I love you, Sophie," I confessed, my words tinged with both fear and hope. "I have loved you for as long as I can remember, and I can't keep it hidden any longer."

For a moment, silence reigned between us, the air charged with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. And then, to my astonishment and joy, a smile bloomed on Sophie's face, a smile that reached her eyes and filled them with a light that outshone any star in the night sky.

"Keefe," she said, her voice soft but firm, "I have known for a while now. I have felt the echoes of your love in every gesture, every word you have spoken. And I want you to know that you are not just a friend to me. You are so much more."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, emotions swirling within me like a tempest finally unleashed. I reached out, taking her hand in mine, feeling the warmth of her touch seep into my very being. "Sophie, I... I don't know what to say," I stammered, overwhelmed by the magnitude of her words, by the endless possibilities that now stretched before us.

She smiled, a smile that spoke of understanding and acceptance. "You don't have to say anything, Keefe. Just be with me, here and now. Let's see where this journey takes us, together."

And in that moment, as the world faded away and only her presence remained, I knew that my promise to be whatever Sophie needed had been fulfilled. I had become more than a friend, more than a confidante. I had become her partner in a dance of love and magic, a dance that would lead us into a future filled with endless possibilities and boundless joy.

And as we stood there, bathed in the moon's gentle glow, hand in hand, heart in heart, I knew that our love story was just beginning, a tale of two souls finding solace and strength in each other's arms, a tale of Keefe and Sophie, united in a bond that would withstand any storm, any challenge that the world threw our way.

I knew it was right to wait until she was ready for more.  


"UGHH, would we say frail." (Matt--Lady Gordons Fainting Spells) 

Keep Being Cool


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