-Sick Hunkyhair-

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Keefe's POV: 

I woke up feeling awful. My head was pounding, my throat was scratchy, and every muscle in my body ached. I knew immediately that I had caught the flu. Groaning, I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom, feeling like my entire body was made of lead.

As I sat on the edge of the bathtub, trying to gather some strength to brush my teeth, I heard a knock on the door. Weakly calling out for the person to come in, I was surprised to see Sophie, my girlfriend, walking into the room with a concerned look on her face.

"Keefe, are you okay? You look terrible," she said, rushing over to me and feeling my forehead.

I managed a weak smile. "Just caught the flu, I think."

Sophie's eyes widened with worry. "Oh no, you poor thing. I'll take care of you, don't worry."

And true to her word, Sophie stayed by my side the entire day. She tucked me back into bed, brought me water and medicine, and even made me some homemade chicken soup. Despite feeling miserable, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence.

As the day went on, Sophie sat next to me on the bed, rubbing my back soothingly as I drifted in and out of sleep. I felt her cool hand on my forehead, checking my temperature from time to time. Her presence was a comforting balm to my aching body.

"Thank you for being here, Soph," I croaked out, my voice hoarse from all the coughing.

She smiled gently. "Of course, Keefe. I love you, and I want to take care of you when you're not feeling well."

Her words warmed my heart, despite the fever chills that wracked my body. I was grateful for her love and care, and I silently thanked whatever cosmic forces had brought her into my life.

As the sun began to set, Sophie insisted on staying the night to make sure I was okay. She set up a makeshift bed on the floor next to me, curled up under a blanket with a book in hand. I watched her from my bed, feeling a deep sense of love and gratitude for this amazing woman who had come into my life.

As the night wore on, my fever broke, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I knew I still had a long road to recovery, but having Sophie by my side made it all seem a little less daunting.

The next morning, I woke up feeling much better. My head was clearer, my body less achy, and my throat was no longer on fire. I turned to see Sophie still asleep on the floor, the early morning light casting a soft glow on her peaceful face.

I quietly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. I wanted to show Sophie how much I appreciated her love and care during my illness. I cooked up a simple meal of eggs and toast, brewing a fresh pot of coffee to go along with it.

When I returned to the bedroom, Sophie was just waking up, blinking sleepily at me as I set the tray of food down on the bedside table.

"Good morning, beautiful," I said, smiling at her.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning. How are you feeling today?"

I grinned. "Much better, thanks to you. And I made us breakfast."

Sophie's eyes widened in surprise. "You cooked?"

I chuckled. "I did. I wanted to thank you for taking care of me yesterday."

She looked touched, a warm smile spreading across her face. "You didn't have to do that, Keefe. I just wanted to help you feel better."

I sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching out to take her hand in mine. "I know, but I appreciate it more than you know. You're truly amazing, Soph."

We ate breakfast together, sharing quiet moments of contentment as we savored the simple meal. And as I looked at Sophie, my heart swelled with love for this incredible woman who had stood by me through sickness and health.

As the days passed, I slowly regained my strength, thanks in no small part to Sophie's care and love. We spent lazy afternoons cuddled up on the couch, watching movies and sharing stories. And every night, as we lay in bed, I would hold her close and whisper my gratitude for her presence in my life.

The memory of that day when I had been at my weakest, and Sophie had been my rock, stayed with me always. It was a reminder of the depth of her love and the strength of our bond.

And as I looked into her eyes, brimming with love and tenderness, I knew that no matter what life threw at us, as long as we had each other, we could weather any storm. Sophie was my rock, my comfort, and my greatest love. And I thanked my lucky stars every day that she was mine. 


"And guest" (Matt--The Guest List of His Royal Majesty) 

Keep Being Cool


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