-Lullaby of The Heart-

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A/N: This isn't a nightmare one-shot--I've already done TWO of those. LOL. 

Sophie's POV:

The night was draped in shadows, the moon casting a silvery glow through the window of my bedroom. The quiet hum of the city outside was the only sound that reached my ears as I lay awake, my mind buzzing with thoughts that refused to let me drift into the realm of sleep. Anxiety coiled in my chest, its tendrils tightening with each passing moment. I tossed and turned, the sheets twisting beneath me as I tried to find a comfortable position. Nothing seemed to work. 

My room felt suffocating, the darkness pressing down on me like a weight I could not shake off. I closed my eyes, willing myself to find peace, but the tendrils of worry continued their relentless grip. Suddenly, a soft sound floated through the air, delicate and soothing. At first, I thought it was just a figment of my imagination, a trick played by my restless mind. But then it came again, a gentle melody that wrapped around me like a warm embrace. I opened my eyes, searching for the source of the sound. 

And there, by the window, bathed in the moonlight, was Keefe. His eyes met mine, a soft smile playing on his lips as he continued to hum the lullaby that seemed to come from the depths of his soul. "Sophie," he whispered, his voice a gentle caress against the silence of the night. "You looked troubled. I thought this might help." I couldn't speak, couldn't find the words to convey the gratitude that swelled in my chest. Instead, I simply nodded, my eyes locked on his, feeling the weight of his gaze anchoring me in the moment. Keefe moved closer, his presence a comforting warmth that banished the chill of the night air. 

"Close your eyes, Sophie," he whispered, his hand reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from my face. "Let the music carry you away, to a place where worries don't exist, where the only thing that matters is this moment." I allowed myself to surrender to the melody, to let it wash over me like a wave, carrying me away from the darkness that threatened to consume me. I closed my eyes, letting the music fill every crevice of my being, wrapping me in its tender embrace. And in that moment, I felt a shift, a subtle realignment of the pieces of my fractured soul. 

 His touch sent a shiver down my spine, but it was a shiver of calm, of safety. The lullaby continued, its melody weaving through the room like a gentle stream, carrying away the worries that had plagued me moments before. With each note, I felt myself relaxing, the tension draining from my body as if carried away on the soft strains of music. "You don't have to carry the weight of the world alone, Sophie," Keefe murmured, his eyes filled with understanding. "I'm here for you, always." His words struck a chord deep within me, resonating with a truth that I had always known but had never dared to acknowledge.

 In Keefe's presence, I found a kind of solace that I had never experienced before, a sense of belonging that wrapped around me like a shield against the harsh realities of the world. 

And so, I let myself lean into his touch, closing my eyes and allowing the lullaby to carry me away on its gentle waves. In that moment, with Keefe by my side, I felt as if I could conquer anything, as if the darkness that had threatened to consume me only moments before was nothing but a fleeting shadow in the light of our connection. As the last notes of the lullaby faded into the night, I opened my eyes, meeting Keefe's gaze with a newfound sense of clarity. 

The lullaby of the heart spoke to me in ways that words never could, reaching into the depths of my being and soothing the raw edges of my pain. As the last notes faded into the night, I opened my eyes to find Keefe watching me, his gaze soft with understanding. He didn't say anything, didn't need to. In that moment, I knew that he saw me, truly saw me, in a way that no one else ever had. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely a breath in the stillness of the room. He smiled, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes. 

"Anytime, Foster.  I'll always be here for you."" And as I drifted off to sleep, the echoes of the lullaby lingered in my heart, a reminder that in the darkness, there was always light, and in the silence, there was always music. And in the quiet strength of our connection, I found solace, a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of the night.


"I can't get rabies again; you're going right back in there." (Stacey--Worst Plumber Ever) 

Keep Being Cool


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