-Valentines Day Special-

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A/N: "Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You" Dave Moffat

Keefe's POV:

I couldn't believe it was already Valentine's Day. The pressure was on to come up with a surprise that would sweep my girlfriend, Sophie, off her feet. After careful planning and a touch of nervous anticipation, I had the perfect idea.

I woke up early that morning, eager to set my plans into motion. Like a man on a mission, I tidied up my apartment and prepared a sumptuous breakfast, complete with heart-shaped pancakes. With a playful smile on my face, I set the breakfast tray on the bed alongside a single red rose. Sophie was a romantic at heart, and I knew she would appreciate the gesture.

Slowly, Sophie stirred, rubbing her eyes as she opened them. I watched with giddy excitement as her gaze landed on the tray before her. A wide smile spread across her face as she took in the breakfast surprise. I could scarcely contain my excitement as she turned to face me, her eyes shining with love.

"Keefe, you are unbelievable!" Sophie exclaimed, pulling me into a tight, grateful hug. "Thank you so much."

The warmth in her voice melted away any remaining nerves I had. I silently congratulated myself on the success of my surprise as we started to enjoy our breakfast together.

Throughout the day, I continued to shower Sophie with love and attention. We visited her favorite art gallery, where we strolled hand in hand, admiring the marvelous displays of creativity. The way she looked at each painting, her eyes dancing with fascination, made my heart swell with pride.

As the afternoon sun painted the sky in shades of golden orange, I took Sophie to a secluded spot by the riverbank. There, in a scene straight out of a fairytale, I had prepared a romantic picnic. The ambience was magical, with twinkling fairy lights and soft romantic music playing in the background.

We sat on the checkered blanket, engaged in light-hearted conversation, laughter mingling with the gentle breeze. With the romantic setting embracing us, I could no longer contain the words that had been bursting to escape.

"Sophie," I said, my voice trembling with emotion. "There are not enough words to describe how much I love you. You bring joy and light into my life every single day. You are my best friend, my confidante, and my soulmate. I am grateful for every moment we share together, and I cannot imagine my life without you."

Sophie's eyes welled up with tears, and her smile mirrored the depth of her emotions. She reached over and gently squeezed my hand, her touch grounding me even further.

"Keefe, you have no idea how much those words mean to me," she whispered. "I love you more than words can express, and I am so grateful to have you in my life."

As the sun set, casting its golden light upon us, we sat quietly, embracing the warmth of our love. In that moment, I knew that I had succeeded in making this Valentine's Day a truly unforgettable one. And as we watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, I realized that love, in its purest form, was the greatest gift we could ever give and receive. 


"To drink, I would like mac for light, Flavor Star moon Diggy" (Stephen--Old Man Drive Thru Confusion)

Keep Being Cool


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