-Words of Affirmation-

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*Married Life: Human AU*

Sophie's POV: 

I sat on the cold tiled floor of the bathroom, my tears streaming down my cheeks. I felt an overwhelming sense of despair, as though the weight of the world was pressing down on my fragile shoulders. My self-esteem had taken a blow, and I couldn't bear the burden any longer.

As I sobbed quietly, lost in my sea of doubts, I heard footsteps approaching. The bathroom door creaked open, and there stood Keefe, my beloved husband, concern etched across his face. His eyes widened in worry as he took in the sight of my tear-streaked cheeks.

"Sophie, my love, what's the matter?" Keefe asked gently, his voice laced with genuine concern.

I wiped my tears away and sniffled, trying to compose myself enough to speak. "I... I just feel terrible about myself, Keefe," I mumbled, my words barely audible.

Keefe closed the bathroom door behind him, shutting out the world beyond, as he knelt down beside me. He took my trembling hands in his, his touch warm and comforting. "Sophie, you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out," he said, his voice brimming with sincerity. "Don't let anyone or anything make you doubt yourself."

My watery eyes locked with Keefe's, and in that moment, I felt the love and support radiating from him. He truly saw me, all my flaws and imperfections, and loved me unconditionally. It was a love that I had never known before, a love that washed away my insecurities. He always knew exactly what to say. Fitz could never measure up to what Keefe could make me feel.

Keefe stood up and walked over to the bathroom mirror, gesturing for me to join him. Together, we stood in front of the mirror, our reflections staring back at us.

"Look at yourself, Sophie," Keefe said, his voice filled with quiet strength. "Do you see what I see? The most beautiful smile, the spark in your eyes, the strength in your soul. You are an incredible woman, and I am so lucky to have you by my side."

I gazed at my reflection, my tears slowly drying up. I saw myself in a new light, recognizing the depth of my own beauty and strength. It was as if the fog of self-doubt had lifted, and I could finally see myself for who she truly was.

In that moment, I knew that my love for Keefe was reciprocated tenfold. It wasn't just his words of affirmation that reassured me, but the way he looked at me, the way he held me, and the way he stood by me always.

Keefe wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. "Remember, Foster, you are deserving of all the love and happiness in the world," he whispered into my ear. "And I will spend every day reminding you of that."

As we stood in embrace, our love radiated around us, banishing the darkness that had once consumed me. For together, they were an unbreakable bond, weathering life's storms and celebrating each other's victories. And in each other's arms, I found the courage to love myself and embrace my worth.



"I am Mimi, I am Juju, I am Reeb's." (Stacey, Stephen, James--The School of Fashion)

Keep Being Cool


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