-The Heart Remembers-

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Sophie's POV: 

The sun was setting below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling green meadows. Walking along feeling lost within my thoughts. Cherished memories of Keefe flooded in my mind replying like a movie. All tugging at my heart with a bittersweet ache. It had been years since we were last in each other's arms, separated by the cruel twists of fate. My heart ached for him - his gentle touch, ice blue eyes, disheveled blonde hair, and signature smirk. But most of all, I missed the sweet smile of adoration and love he only gave to me.

Tonight somehow, everything felt different. Like I could sense his presence nearby, his familiar essence lingering in the air like a promise waiting to be fulfilled. As I continued wandering around the meadow, the soft rustle of the wind through the tall grass whispered secrets of love and longing. I closed my eyes, letting the gentle breeze caress my skin, hoping to catch a trace of Keefe's scent. 

And then, I heard it – a voice, a voice I had memorized in every tone, every whisper, every laugh. "Foster," the voice called out, sending shivers down my spine. My heart leaped with joy as I turned around, and there he was, standing in the fading light of the setting sun with a smile that could light up the darkest corners of my soul. "Keefe," I breathed, hardly daring to believe my eyes. He had grown, matured, his features etched with the passage of time, but his eyes, those eyes held the same mischief, the same love that I had fallen for so long ago. 

Without a word, we ran to each other, our arms wrapping around one another in a desperate embrace. And in that moment, the world stood still, the past merging with the present as our hearts beat as one. "I've missed you, Soph," Keefe murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "I've missed you too, Keefe," I replied, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. "I never stopped loving you." We sat down on the soft grass, the evening sky painted with hues of pink and orange, lost in our own little world. 

Keefe told me of his adventures, his trials and tribulations, and I listened, hanging onto his every word as if it were a lifeline to our shared past. "And you, Sophie? How have you been all these years?" Keefe asked, his eyes searching mine with a hunger that rekindled the fire in my soul. 

"I've been lost without you," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "But now that you're here, everything feels right again." As the night descended, painting the sky with a tapestry of stars, Keefe and I talked and laughed, the years melting away in the warmth of our shared memories. And then, as the first light of dawn kissed the horizon, Keefe took my hand, his eyes filled with a promise of forever. "Foster, will you give us another chance? Will you walk this path with me once more, hand in hand, heart in heart?" Keefe asked, his voice barely a breath but carrying the weight of a thousand lifetimes. 

I looked into his eyes, the windows to his soul, and saw nothing but love, pure and unwavering. And in that moment, I knew – the heart remembers, always and forever. "Yes, Keefe," I said, tears of happiness blurring my vision. "Yes, I will walk with you, love you, cherish you until the end of time." And as we stood up, the meadow bathed in the soft hues of dawn, Keefe pulled me close, his lips meeting mine in a kiss that spoke of promises fulfilled and dreams reborn. The heart remembers, indeed, and in Keefe's arms, I knew that our love story was just beginning, a tale of passion, devotion, and the eternal flame that burned within our intertwined souls.


"There were no lasting consequences whatsoever." (Jason--The Smiths 2)

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