-Glimmering Gaze-

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Keefe's POV: 

The air in the Lost Cities was filled with a gentle buzz of excitement as the evening sun cast a warm, golden hue over the opulent streets. I found myself wandering through the bustling market, my eyes catching glimpses of colorful displays and the echoes of laughter that filled the air. But amidst all the noise and chaos, there was one thing that stood out to me - Sophie Foster. Sophie, with her radiant smile and gentle demeanor, was like a beacon of light in the sea of people.

 As she turned to face me, her brown eyes seemed to hold the very secrets of the universe, gleaming with a depth that was impossible to resist. It was in that moment that time seemed to slow down, the clamor of the world fading away as our eyes locked in a silent conversation. "Hey, Keefe," she said softly, her voice like a melody that danced through the air. "Hey, Sophie," I replied, my voice barely more than a whisper as I tried to gather my thoughts. 

Words had always come easy to me, but in that moment, they seemed inadequate to express the swirl of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. We stood there, surrounded by the throng of people, yet lost in our own little bubble of existence. The world around us faded into a blur as we continued to gaze into each other's eyes, words unspoken yet understood between us. "I..." Sophie began, her voice trailing off as she searched for the right words. 

"You don't have to say anything," I interrupted gently, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "I can see it in your eyes." And in that moment, something shifted between us. It was as if a door had opened, revealing a connection that went beyond mere words or actions. It was a silent understanding, a shared bond that seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and space. 

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets, we continued to stand there, lost in each other's gaze. The world around us slowly came back into focus, the sounds of the market returning in a crescendo of noise and movement. "Come on," I said, reaching out to take her hand. "Let's get out of here." Sophie nodded, her eyes still sparkling with an intensity that took my breath away.

 Together, we walked through the winding streets of the Lost Cities, our footsteps echoing in the quiet night. As we strolled along, our conversation flowed effortlessly, each word and gesture a testament to the connection that had blossomed between us. We talked about everything and nothing, our laughter blending with the soft rustle of the wind through the trees. It was in those moments that I realized how much Sophie meant to me, how her presence had become a constant source of joy and comfort in my life. 

I knew then that no matter what the future held, as long as we faced it together, we would be able to overcome any obstacle that came our way. And so, as we reached the edge of the city, the twinkling lights of the Lost Cities spread out before us like a sea of stars, I turned to Sophie with a smile, my heart overflowing with a warmth that I had never known before. "Thank you," I said softly, my voice filled with quiet sincerity.

"For everything." Sophie's eyes met mine, a soft glow illuminating her features as she squeezed my hand gently. "No, Keefe," she replied, her voice strong and unwavering. "Thank you." And in that moment, as we stood on the threshold of a new beginning, I knew that no matter where life took us, Sophie's glimmering gaze would always be my guiding light.


"Mema, I'm having trouble in the bathroom." (Jason--They're All Dead) 

Keep Being Cool


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