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Keefe's POV: 

"ENOUGH! SOPHIE IS MINE KEEFE! BACK OFF. I GET TO HAVE HER!" Fitz yells at me angrily. I have had enough of this. Sophie is not an object we can fight over; she is a real person with real feelings.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, FITZ! Sophie is NOT an OBJECT. She is not some prize we can fight over. She is a real person with real feelings that matter. No one knows those feelings better than I do. Her feelings cannot be tossed to the side because of your stupid reputation. Cut the crap, it doesn't matter! It's not all about you and you know it. Sophie Foster is the most wonderful, beautiful, and determined person ever. She has her mind, might, and heart. You don't care about Sophie herself; you care about her abilities and the fact that you're connected with a powerful Elf. You care more about her title than her. Are you serious?"

"YES, I AM SERIOUS, I NEED HER. WE ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER." Fitz yells. I don't know how much more I can take with this. I am tired of him treating her like she doesn't matter.

Oh my gosh, I take a deep breath. "Did you not hear what I just said? Sophie is NOT happy with you. It might seem like she is because she has to put up with the act of being perfect around you to maintain your ridiculous reputation. Well, stop it. You always put your anger on her when it wasn't her fault. She forgives you, yet you don't stop. She doesn't need to tell you everything about herself because it's her personal business, and you have no right to pressure her to tell you if she doesn't want to. Besides, you don't need to make decisions together... oh wait, it's just you making them because you don't really care about her opinion." I snapped at him, refusing to let him be blind to the truth. But I think with no matter what I say, he doesn't listen to me.

I continued. "You need to understand that you cannot control her. She is her own person and has the right to make choices for her life. Stop thinking that you should have her just because you are a Vacker and spoiled. Also, your anger has scared her, which is why she is afraid to tell you important things." I told him. Letting myself calm down a little. I don't want to get worked up too much. Not wanting to do something I will regret later.

"It may seem like you're the "perfect" guy for Sophie, but in reality, you're not. Let her live her life the way she wants to. Also, cut the whole "we're cognates" excuse; it's pathetic. Yes, you are cognates, but stop using that as an excuse. I've gotten mad at her once, and you have multiple times too many. Get your anger issues together, Fitz. I believe you and Sophie could be the greatest of friends, but all this anger is getting in the way.

"I want Sophie to be happy, so I let her live her life the way she wants. Her happiness is the most important thing to me. If it means I have to suffer because I can't be with her, then so be it. What matters most is that she's happy. I love her Fitz. Clearly you don't." I say sternly.

"Sophie is so much more than you think," I said as I walked away from Fitz. I refused to argue with him any longer. As I left Fitz's room, I ran right into Sophie.

"Keefe, did you really mean all those things you said about me?" she asks nervously.

"Every word, Foster. I love you, alright. You don't have to love me back. What you want in your life and your happiness matters more..." She cuts me off, pressing her lips against mine. It took me a second, but I kissed her back, refusing to wait another minute. My whole world stops and completes at the same time. After what felt like a minute or so, she pulled away.

"Thanks, Keefe. I finally found who my heart truly loves," she says, smiling. 


*Ladies and Gentlemen this is why I ship SOKEEFE* 

*Side Note: I don't actually hate Fitz whatsoever! He's a good person just has a HUGE problem with ANGER. Its a serious problem.* 


"Oh yeah, that's all I need Batman, Oh look at me I get my armor from Forever 21" (Jason--Wonder Woman Fights With The Justice League.) 

Keep Being Cool


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