-Foster You Need Rest-

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Keefe's POV: 

Sophie had always been a dedicated and hardworking individual. She prided herself on her ability to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities seamlessly. Her adoptive parents, Edaline and Grady, admired her ambition but worried about the toll it was taking on her well-being.

Night after night, Sophie burned the midnight oil, ticking off an endless list of tasks. Her desk was cluttered with unfinished projects, her mind constantly buzzing with ideas and deadlines. She pushed herself to exhaustion, convinced that she had to accomplish everything on her plate before allowing herself even a moment's rest.

"Sweetheart, you need to take a break," Edaline would gently remind her, seeing the weariness etched on her face.

Grady chimed in, concerned for his adoptive daughter's health. "You're overworking yourself, Sophie. Rest is just as important as productivity."

Sophie, however, couldn't envision slowing down. "I just need to get the next ten things on my list done, then I'll rest," she insisted, her determination undeterred.

I walked into Havenfield and was greeted by Edaline. "Hey, Keefe," she said.

"Hi, Edaline. How's Foster?" I asked. Edaline sighed. "She's overworking herself. She's way in the zone and won't take a break."

"Sophie, take a break," Grady urges from the other room. "Yeah, later. I have about twenty more things that need to be done," she responds, rushing into the kitchen to grab something and then running back into the other room. I almost gasped at how pale she looked. Grady turns to me. "We've been trying to get her to take a break all day, but nothing has seemed to work." This is not healthy for sure. You should never overwork yourself because it causes problems like fatigue and difficulty thinking straight.

You need to take a break and take care of yourself.

"Yeah, she's going to exhaust herself at this rate. She might even faint with how pale she looks," Edaline says. "No matter what we say, she just brushes it off and tells us she needs to get it done," I think. Maybe I could try something. "She keeps insisting she does it herself with no help," Grady points out. I'll probably just have to force her to rest. I refuse to let her keep working hard at this pace. It's simply too much for her to handle.

Ugh. Sophie comes out of the room and says, "Alright, now I have..." I cut her off by sticking my leg out and tripping her, catching her in my arms. "Keefe, put me down. I still have..." I cut her off. "Nope. You're going to rest," I say, scooping her in my arms. "But I still have," she protests. "Nope. Foster, you need to rest. You're overworking yourself. Whatever you have to do can wait," I said, clutching her tighter to my chest. There is no way I will let her work more without resting herself.

I said as I carried her up to her room. Once inside, I sat down on the bed, cradling her in my arms. She seemed to have given up, as exhaustion overtook her, and her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep. I carefully released her and removed her shoes, as well as my own. Then, I picked her up again and held her gently.

I don't know what would have happened if I didn't intervene. It seemed like no matter what Edaline or Grady tried, she was being her stubborn self and kept on working. I pulled a blanket over us and looked down at the girl in my arms. She is so special to me; I love her so much. I cared about her health enough to be scared when I saw how pale she was. It looked like she could have fainted at any moment.

I'm glad it turned out just fine. Giving her a gentle kiss on the head, I fall asleep myself, holding Foster close to my heart. 




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