-Little Do You Know-

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A/N: "Little Do You Know" Alex and Serria Cover. 

Third POV: (Between Sophie & Keefe)

In the ethereal world of the Lost Cities, where elves with extraordinary abilities live hidden from humans, two souls intertwined in a dance of love and longing. Sophie Foster, a mesmerizingly gifted Telepath, and Keefe Sencen, the charming and mischievous Empath, found solace in each other's presence amidst the chaos and secrets that surrounded their lives. It was a moonlit night in the magnificent Lost Cities. The stars shimmered like diamonds in the night sky, casting a soft, silver glow over the gardens of Havenfield where Sophie and Keefe often sought refuge from the demands of their world. They sat on a weathered stone bench, their fingers intertwined, the bond between them palpable. 

"Little do you know, how I'm breaking while you fall asleep..." Keefe whispered, his voice a tender caress in the quiet night air. Sophie gazed into his sapphire eyes, filled with unspoken words and emotions that threatened to engulf them both. "But little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories of that night," Sophie replied, her voice laced with a sorrow that Keefe knew all too well. The night they lost a dear friend, the night their world shattered into a million fractured pieces. As they sat in silence, the fragrance of night-blooming starflowers enveloped them, a sweet reminder of the fleeting beauty of their stolen moments together. The garden seemed to hold its breath, as if time itself dared not disturb the fragile peace they had found in each other's arms. 

As they sat in silence, the fragrance of night-blooming starflowers enveloped them, a sweet reminder of the fleeting beauty of their stolen moments together. The garden seemed to hold its breath, as if time itself dared not disturb the fragile peace they had found in each other's arms. "I wish I could take away your pain, Sophie," Keefe murmured, his eyes clouded with an emotion akin to despair. "But all I can do is be here for you, for as long as you need me." Sophie's heart ached at his words, knowing the burden he carried for her sake. "You've already done more than anyone ever could, Keefe," she replied, her voice a gentle whisper in the stillness. "You've given me hope, a reason to believe in tomorrow." 

They sat together in quiet companionship, the silence between them speaking volumes that words could never convey. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the night and their shared pain, they found solace in the simple act of being together. As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, Sophie turned to Keefe, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Little do you know, Keefe Sencen, how much you mean to me," she said, her voice filled with a depth of emotion that took his breath away. Keefe's heart swelled with a fierce love for the girl who had captured his heart, the girl who had become his reason for existing in a world so full of darkness. "And little do you know, Sophie Foster, that I would do anything to see you smile," he replied, his voice raw with emotion.

 "Keefe," Sophie's voice was barely a whisper, lost in the symphony of the forest. "Do you ever wonder... what if we're meant to be more than just friends?" Keefe stopped in his tracks, his sea-green eyes locking onto Sophie's. The air around them crackled with anticipation, as if the world itself held its breath. "Little do you know," Keefe murmured, his voice soft yet filled with a depth that only Sophie could decipher. "I've loved you from the moment our paths intertwined, Sophie. But I've always been afraid to say it out loud, afraid of risking what we have." Sophie's heart pounded in her chest, her soul reaching out to Keefe's in a silent promise of forever. "Keefe, I've felt it too. The pull between us, the unspoken truth that binds our hearts together. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want to take a chance on us."

As they stood there, bathed in the soft light of the moon filtering through the leaves, Keefe brushed a strand of hair away from Sophie's face, his touch gentle yet filled with unspoken promises. "Little do you know, Sophie," Keefe said, his gaze unwavering. "I'll always be here for you, through every storm and every sunrise. Our love is a tapestry woven from the threads of fate, and I will never let it unravel." Sophie smiled, her eyes shining with a newfound clarity. "Little do you know, Keefe," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken confessions. 

"I choose you, now and always. Together, we can brave any tide." And as the sunlight danced through the trees, casting a golden glow over their entwined figures, Sophie and Keefe stood as two halves of a whole, united in a love that transcended time and space. For in the Lost Cities, where magic and wonder coexisted with darkness and danger, Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen found their own brand of magic – a love that bloomed amidst the shadows, radiant and eternal. And as they walked hand in hand through the Whispering Woods, their laughter harmonizing with the melody of nature, they knew that their love was a song that would echo through the ages, a sweet serenade whispered by the wind itself.


"Don't hate me cause my mama raised me right." (Matt--This is My Theme Song)

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