-Late Night Cuddles-

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Sophie's POV: 

The moonlight spilled through the curtains, casting a soft glow in the room. The sound of my boyfriend's steady breathing filled the air, as we lay intertwined under the warm covers. It was one of those rare nights when the world seemed to fade away, leaving only us in our own little universe.

Keefe's arms were wrapped tightly around me, drawing me closer to his chest. The rise and fall of his breath was soothing, like a gentle lullaby. I nestled my head against his shoulder, taking in the familiar scent of his cologne mingled with the faint whiff of his freshly washed hair. It was a scent that brought me comfort and made me feel at home.

There was something magical about these late-night cuddles. In the silence of the night, all my worries and fears melted away. I didn't think about the upcoming exams or the deadlines looming over my head. I didn't worry about the future or the uncertainties that lay ahead. Everything else seemed insignificant compared to the warmth of Keefe's embrace.

As I closed my eyes, I found myself transported to a different world. The room faded away, and in its place, I saw us on a beautiful beach. The sand was soft beneath our feet, and the salty breeze tousled our hair. Hand in hand, we walked along the shore, leaving footprints in the sand. The waves crashed against the shoreline, their rhythmic sound echoing in our ears.

We sat down on a blanket spread across the sand, watching as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and purple across the sky. Keefe's hand rested on my thigh, his touch sending shivers down my spine. We talked about our dreams and aspirations, sharing our deepest desires with each other. It was a moment of vulnerability and intimacy that we rarely experienced in the chaos of our daily lives.

Back in the present, I snuggled deeper into Keefe's embrace, relishing the warmth that enveloped me. The reality of our lives crept back into my thoughts, but for now, I pushed them aside. In this moment, all that mattered was the affection we shared, the tangible connection between two souls.

As the first rays of dawn peeked through the window, I knew our time together was drawing to a close. The world outside would awaken soon, and we would have to face the challenges that awaited us. But the memory of these late-night cuddles would sustain me through the chaos, a reminder of the love and comfort that Keefe brought into my life.

Gently, I disentangled myself from his arms, careful not to wake him. I planted a soft kiss on his forehead, silently thanking him for the tranquility he gave me. I tiptoed out of the room, leaving behind a slumbering Keefe, holding onto the memory of our late-night cuddles until we could share them again.

Every time we held each other we held onto each other's warmth and love. In our dreams, we continued our journey, intertwined and inseparable, ready to face whatever the future held. For me, there was no doubt that I had found my forever in Keefe, and my heart soared with anticipation for the countless late nights of cuddles that awaited us. 


"I thought we could get dinner, and then take a walk on SEASEME STREET THIS IS STUPID." (Matt--Practicing For A Date)

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