-Twinkling Stars-

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Keefe's POV: 

Tossing and turning in my bed, I can't seem to catch any sleep. We all decided to have a sleepover at Everglen tonight. It was fun, but eventually, most of us crashed and fell asleep. I'm frustrated that I can't calm my mind and just relax. I hate it when I really want to sleep but can't. Eventually, I gave up trying because my useless efforts are not working. Getting up, I look outside and notice how beautifully calm it is.

Looking over at the clock I noticed it was past midnight.

My heart raced with excitement as I nudged Foster gently. "Foster," I whispered, "it's time."

Sophie stirred and groaned, turning to face me. "Time for what?" she mumbled, still half asleep.

I grinned mischievously. "Time for stargazing!"

That seemed to wake her up. Her eyes widened as she sat up in bed. "Stargazing?" She glanced at the window, where the night sky twinkled with countless stars.

I nodded, unable to contain my enthusiasm. "Yes, Foster. The stars are at their best tonight. And I want to share this moment with you."

Sophie looked torn. "But it's late, Keefe. We need to sleep."

I gestured towards the window. "Look at the sky, Foster. It's calling out to us. Trust me, you don't want to miss this."

She sighed, her resistance weakening. "Fine, but just for a little while."

I couldn't help but smile as we quietly tiptoed out of her room and made our way to the backyard. The air was crisp, and the only sound was the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. I spread a blanket on the grass and motioned for Sophie to join me.

We lay side by side, our eyes locked on the vast expanse above us. "Isn't it beautiful?" I whispered; my voice barely audible.

Sophie nodded, her eyes shimmering with awe. "I've never seen so many stars before."

I turned to her, my heart bursting with emotion. "You want to know a secret?"

She looked at me curiously, a faint smile playing on her lips. "What secret?"

I took a deep breath and spoke from the depths of my soul. "You're more beautiful than any star in the sky, Foster. Your light shines brighter than a thousand suns. You are like those stars, Foster. Bright and beautiful, each one unique. No matter how dark the night gets, your light guides me, igniting my spirit and filling my world with hope. You have brought so much joy and adventure into my life, and I can't imagine a future without you."

Her eyes widened, shimmering with a mix of surprise and warmth. Her lips curved into a gentle smile, and I knew in that moment that my words had reached her heart.

Sophie blushed, her cheeks turning the color of roses. "Keefe, that's... that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. You have no idea how much you mean to me. Thank you for showing me the beauty of the stars and for being the light in my life."

I reached over and gently brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's true, Foster. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. You bring light into my life, just like the stars above."

She leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You're my star too, Keefe. With you, the world feels a little brighter."

I reached for her hand, intertwining our fingers. The gentle breeze rustled through the trees, as if whispering secrets of its own. We sat there in silence, basking in the serenity and finding solace in each other's presence.

Time seemed to stand still as we gazed at each other; our souls intertwined under the starlit sky. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the connection we shared.

As the night wore on, we watched shooting stars streak across the heavens, making wishes for a future filled with love and adventure. And in that tranquil moment, I knew that stargazing with Sophie would forever be etched in my heart as one of the most magical nights of my life.

Together, we lay beneath the stars, basking in their celestial glow, and embracing the beauty of an endless universe. 



"Flood warning, and a fire warning look at that. Not sure how those two could be happening at the same time. Ok it appears that the flood water is the thing that is actually on fire." (Matt--Five Day Weather Forecast.)

Keep Being Cool


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