-A Love Song For Him-

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A/N: "I Get to Love You" Ruelle

*Switches between Sophie's & Keefe's POVS*

Sophie's POV:

I sat at my piano in my bedroom, tears streaming down my cheeks. Her heart felt heavy with the weight of her recent breakup with Keefe. They were once inseparable, but as time went on, their differences grew too difficult to bridge. Still, I couldn't deny that a deep love for Keefe lingered within my heart, refusing to fade away. In my grief, I found solace in my music. As I played ivory keys each melody held memories of their time together. With my pen and paper, I poured my heart into the lyrics, channeling every ounce of love, hope she felt about their shattered relationship. 

Adding some pain to the notes as well. The song is about how I get to love him. We both cried our hearts out when we broke up. It was the hardest thing to bare for the both of us. Clearly our hearts knew that we are made for each other, and our love is destined to be forever. I knew in my heart that were meant to be, and I felt determined to share that truth with Keefe through my song. Days turned into weeks, and I practiced tirelessly, making sure every note and every word was perfect. Finally, the day came for her to perform her love song at Foxfires annual dance.

I stood on the stage, my trembling fingers caressing the keys of the piano, and she began to sing. As my voice filled the room, the crowd fell silent, captivated by the raw emotion in my words. As they gently swayed to my song. And among them, Keefe sat on the side of the dance floor, listening intently. Looking into his eyes I can see that he is heavy with regret. 

Once look at you, my whole life falls in line. I prayed for you. Before I called you mine. Oh, I can't believe it's true sometimes. Oh, I can't believe it's true.

Keefe's POV:

I had never stopped loving Sophie, but my fear had held me back from fighting for our love. Now, as her song washed over me, tears welled up in my eyes, blurring his vision. 

I get to love you. It's the best thing that I'll ever do. I get to love you. It's a promise I'm making to you. Whatever may come your heart I will choose. Forever I'm yours, forever I do. I get to love you. I get to love you.

Sophie finished her performance, her heart pounding in her chest, and the room erupted in applause. 

Dame Alina rushed to her side, praising her incredible talent, but Sophie's eyes were locked on me. I knew she could see the tears streaming down my face, and my own heart swelled with both joy and heartbreak. Without hesitation, I made my way towards the stage, weaving through the crowd until I stood in front of Sophie. The world around us faded away, and in that moment, it was just the two of them. 

We held each other's gaze, their eyes filled with years of love and longing. "I don't know why I let you go, my love," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "But listening to your song, everything became clear. I've been a fool." My heart skipped a beat, hope stirring within me. "Keefe..." I took a step closer, my arms opening wide. 

Without hesitation, Sophie stepped into my embrace, tears streaming down her face. The pain of our breakup suddenly felt like a distant memory, our love overpowering any doubts or fears. In that moment, they knew they were meant to be. 

A soft smile played on Sophie's lips as she lifted her hand to cup my cheek. Our eyes met, and in that moment, everything else faded away. We were the only two people in the world, bound together by a love that refused to die. Leaning in, our lips met in a tender and magical kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of forgiveness, of second chances, and of a future that they were determined to create together. In that kiss, they felt the power of their love, stronger than ever before.

As we held each other tightly, the room erupted in applause once again, celebrating not just Sophie's incredible talent, but the power of love to heal and forgive. And from that day forward, Sophie and I vowed to fight for their love, to never let our differences tear them apart again. Learning that it's our differences that make us special and our love stronger. 

Most importantly we get to love each other, and it's the best thing we will ever do. 


Probably my best written one-shot, LOL. Anyways Enjoy! 

Updates are when I feel like it or if I get inspired by something.

"JELLO PUDDING abopadoo!!"(Jason--Gollum's' Internal Struggle)

Keep Being Cool


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