-Hot Chocolate-

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A/N: "Hot Chocolate" The Polar Express

*Married Life AU/Human AU*

Keefe's POV: 

As the snow fell outside, covering the world in a blanket of white, my wife Sophie and I found solace in the cozy movie theater room of our home. The dimmed lights flickered like stars, casting a warm glow on our faces as we snuggled together under a soft, fleece blanket. With our pajamas on, we were the epitome of comfort. It was a perfect evening to indulge in the magic of Christmas movies.

As the opening credits rolled, we settled in, eager to embark on a cinematic journey. The melodies of carols filled the room, transporting us to a winter wonderland filled with joy and romance. We laughed and shared nostalgic stories of our own holiday memories, reminiscing about our childhoods and the enchantment that came with this magical season.

But just as the movie reached its most heartwarming scene, the aroma of hot chocolate wafted into the room, enticing us with its irresistible allure. Sophie and I couldn't resist the temptation. She turns to me "Hey, let's make some hot chocolate." She suggests eagerly. We pressed pause, promising each other that we would be back soon, and ventured into the kitchen to prepare the steaming delight.

We love using the chocolate powder Peppermint, it's our personal favorite. Sophie brings out the mugs that were given to us at our wedding. One says 'Mrs. Foster' and the other says 'Mr. Foster.' I love that we decided to go with Sophie's last name. I preferred it anyway; I didn't want her to take on my dreadful Sencen name.

Sophie placed the hot chocolate maker on the counter and plugged it in. She poured in the milk and then added the flavored chocolate powder. She looked so focused that when I went to put the powder away, I purposefully gently brushed against her. I did it again when I was walking back. She blushed a little. "Stop that," she said with a cute, annoyed look on her face.

"What do you want me to stop?" I say with a sly smile. "You know what," Sophie says, pointing her finger at me. Rolling her eyes, she turns back to the hot chocolate. "Hey, could you grab the marshmallows and whipped cream, please?" she asks me. "I'll pour this into the cups."

"Ok," I say, nodding at her and heading to get the whipped cream and marshmallows. She puts some marshmallows in her cup, and I do the same in mine.

With mugs in hand, we tiptoed back to our movie haven, silently stealing back under the cozy blanket. The warmth of the hot chocolate seeped through my fingertips, the velvety liquid chasing away the chill that had settled in our bones.

As the movie resumed, we savored each sip, relishing the combination of flavors that danced across our taste buds. The palpable joy in the scenes mirrored the very essence of our moments together. We exchanged glances filled with love and contentment, knowing that this simple act of sharing a warm drink formed a connection that was as strong as any bond.

As we turned off the projector and prepared to leave the room, the magic of that evening lingered. The snow continued to fall outside, but it no longer felt cold or harsh. In our hearts, the warmth of hot chocolate and the laughter from the movie created a haven, a sanctuary from the winter storm.

Hand in hand, Sophie and I walked towards the window, watching as the snowflakes painted a picture-perfect scene before us. In that moment, it didn't matter if the outside world was filled with chaos or uncertainty. We had each other, and that was all that mattered.

And as the night drew to a close, we whispered our wishes to the falling snow, knowing that the memories we had made on this cozy winter evening would forever be cherished in our hearts. 


*Remember the number one rule is NEVER LET IT COOL!*


"KAHOOTS! OOO, Oh I can feel it in my bones baby sweet Georgia brown named Kahoot's." (Stacey-An Impartial Jury)

Keep Being Cool


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