-I Like Warm Hugs-

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*One-Shot inspried by a chapter in my "You'll Be in My Heart" story*

Sophie's POV: 

I walked down the hallway of Foxfire Academy, my shoulders slumped and my heart heavy. It had been a tough day. Everything seemed to be going wrong. Tests I thought I aced turned out to be disasters, and even some of my mentors, didn't seem impressed with my abilities. On top of that, my friends seemed distant, caught up in their own problems. I felt alone and defeated.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Keefe approaching until his voice broke through my haze. "Foster?" he called, concern lacing through his words. I turned around to see his familiar face, his eyes filled with empathy. Without a question, he stepped forward and pulled me into a warm, comforting embrace. It was as if in that moment, all the weight on my shoulders lifted.

As his arms wrapped around me, I felt a sense of safety and understanding wash over me. It was as if Keefe knew exactly what I needed, without me having to utter a single word. And in that moment, the weight on my shoulders began to lighten, just a little bit.

We stood there, holding each other in the midst of the chaotic hallway, finding solace in the embrace. The noise of the students around us faded away, as if we were the only two people in the world. I felt my heart rate slow, my breathing steadier.

"Hey," Keefe said softly, his voice a balm to my troubled soul. "You look like you could use a friend."

I nodded, my eyes welling with unshed tears. "It's just been one of those days, you know?"

Keefe gave me a sympathetic smile. "I do know. We all have them. But remember, you're not alone in this adventure, Sophie. We're here for you."

As we walked through the crowded hallways, Keefe listened attentively as I shared the details of my terrible day. He didn't interrupt, nor did he try to offer solutions. Instead, he simply listened, giving me the space I needed to pour out my frustrations. It felt good to have someone who genuinely cared about how I felt.

"Sometimes it helps just to talk, doesn't it?" Keefe finally said, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

I nodded gratefully. "More than you know."

Keefe glanced around, as if searching for something. "How about we take a break from all this and go somewhere quiet?"

Curiosity piqued, I agreed, allowing him to lead me away from the hustle and bustle of the academy. We walked through the gardens, filled with vibrant flowers and basking in the soft sunlight. The peacefulness of the environment brought a sense of calm to my troubled mind.

We found a secluded bench beneath a shade tree and sat down. Keefe's presence was comforting, inviting me to open up about my struggles. "It's just hard sometimes, you know?" I began, fiddling with the hem of my cape. "To always be the one who has to save everyone. To have so much expected of me."

Keefe nodded, his eyes gentle. "I understand, Sophie. The weight of the world can be overwhelming. But you have to remember that no one expects perfection from you. You're allowed to make mistakes and feel defeated. It's what makes you human."

I smiled, grateful for his understanding. "Thank you, Keefe. I needed to hear that."

He grinned back at me. "Anytime, Foster. That's what friends are for, right?"

Friend. The word resonated within me, reminding me of the connection I had with the people in my life. The importance of having a support network, no matter the challenges we faced. And in that moment, I knew I wasn't alone, that I had friends who would be there for me through thick and thin.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I found solace in Keefe's friendship. We laughed together, shared stories, and helped each other through the trials and tribulations of our extraordinary lives. With him by my side, the burden became lighter, and I discovered a renewed strength within myself.

One sunny afternoon, as we walked through the academy gardens, a sense of serenity settled over me. The world seemed brighter, the colors more vivid. And I knew that despite the challenges that lay ahead, I was not defeated. I was stronger than I realized, and with the support of my friends, I could overcome anything.

Sophie's point of view had changed, transformed by the power of friendship. She knew that no matter what obstacles awaited her, she would face them head-on, knowing that Keefe and the rest of her friends were right there beside her, ready to offer their unwavering support.

And that was the beginning of a new chapter in Sophie's life, a chapter filled with friendship, strength, and the belief that no matter what came her way, she was never truly alone. 


"Cause I got my special stretchy pants." (Stephen--The Avengers Song)

Keep Being Cool


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