-Perfect For Me-

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A/N: "Perfect For Me" Justin Timberlake (Trolls 2)

Keefe's POV: 

I sat alone in my room, strumming my guitar softly as I sang the lyrics that echoed my heartache. My voice filled the empty space, a beautiful melody mingling with my emotions. Thoughts of Sophie, his sweet Foster, consumed me.

"It's just the hardest thing. To love you but not know how," I sang, my voice trembling with vulnerability. How could he explain the overwhelming feelings that washed over me whenever I was near her? Every word she spoke, every smile she gave, tore at my heart in the most bittersweet way. I longed to understand the roots of my love for her, but it remained a perplexing puzzle.

"I hate that you're perfect. Perfect for me," I continued, my fingers moving effortlessly across the strings. I loved everything about Foster. Her intelligence, her wit, her kindness – it was all too good to be true. But perhaps that's what made her even more enchanting. She was the missing piece that fit perfectly into my broken soul, completing me in ways I never thought possible.

Our adventures together were unforgettable. I loved every moment that I spent with her. I couldn't help but wonder if our time together was serendipity or something was simply more profound. "If I didn't know better, then I would believe that we were made for each other," I lamented. It felt as though every piece of the universe had conspired to bring them together, intertwining their lives in an intricate dance.

As I strummed a lingering chord, I couldn't shake the memories that haunted me – the moments they shared, the laughter they exchanged, the stolen glances that spoke volumes. "Cause I've tried so hard to forget you, but these things just don't go away," I sang, my voice filled with pain. I had tried to push my feelings aside, to ignore the intensity of my love for Sophie, but it was a battle I couldn't win. I had wanted to bury everything away since her attention was on Fitz. But she had engraved herself into the depths of his heart, an indelible mark that refused to fade.

I longed for the courage to speak the truth, to tell Sophie how deeply I cared. But fear held me back, wrapping me in a cocoon of uncertainty. Would she reciprocate my feelings? Or would my love for her remain unrequited, a secret eternally hidden within my soul?

My song finally faded, and I set my guitar aside. As I gazed out the window at the starlit sky, I made a silent promise to myself. I would find the strength to confront my fear, to lay bare my heart before Sophie one day. But right now, it wasn't that time. Our story had yet to unfold, and I was determined to unravel its mysteries. No matter the outcome, I would cherish the memories we had created and hold onto the hope that perhaps, just perhaps, our love was meant to be.

I hate the feeling of being so in love with you and yet you have no idea. But I know the reason for that. It's not just your obliviousness, it's also because of all the things that have happened in the Forbidden Cities. Okay, fine, it's partly your obliviousness, but I'm not holding that against you because that's not fair. It's a part of you, as annoying as it is, and there's nothing we can do about it, really.

I can see it, and some others can too, that we are meant for each other. It's hard for me to watch you and Fitz together, being all lovey-dovey. It breaks my heart to see you with him, knowing that it could have been me instead. Every time I see you, I try to block it out because I don't want to see that. This is not how things should be, but you look happy with him, like your wildest dreams have finally come true.

Except they didn't.

You may appear happy, but I can sense that you're not truly content, Sophie. I've noticed that your special spark has faded since you got together with him. You seem to feel the need to be the perfect girlfriend, but you don't have to pressure yourself to be perfect. It's not all about Fitz; your feelings matter too and should be treated as such.

As an empath, I can sense these things. I can also tell that you're not truly in love with him. There's someone else who holds your heart, and you may not even realize it.

Foster, it's hard to see you with him, but I'll still wait for you because you're worth it. I promised myself that I would be whatever you needed until you were ready for more. Having you as my friend is a wonderful gift.

There were times when I tried to forget about my love for you. But it's not that easy. Sometimes you can manage to bury it deep down, but eventually, it springs back to life and the feeling is back. You can't just get rid of something that is true and real.

Foster, why are you so perfect for me?  


*Hola! Enjoy! 😜* EDITED!

"DEER!! No sorry it's just the enormous cataract in my left eye. DEER! No sorry." (Matt-Drivers Ed)

Keep Being Cool


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