-Falling in Love With You-

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*FINAL ONESHOT*--This one is short and sweet. :D

Third POV: 

Sophie Foster had never been one to believe in the cliché of love songs. But as she sat beside Keefe Sencen on the lush grass of the Shores of Solace, the gentle waves whispering secrets to the shore, she couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, there was some truth to them.

Keefe turned to her, his ice blue eyes reflecting the myriads of stars above them. "You know, Foster," he began, his voice soft and earnest, "every time I hear that song, 'Can't Help Falling in Love,' I can't help but think of you."

Sophie felt her cheeks warm, a blush spreading despite the cool night air. "Really?" she whispered, her heart fluttering like the wings of a thousand butterflies.

"Yeah," Keefe replied, his gaze never wavering. "It's like the song was written for us. 'Take my hand, take my whole life too,' it says. And I would, Sophie. I would in a heartbeat."

Sophie's breath caught in her throat. She had always known Keefe was her steadfast friend, her unwavering ally, but this confession stirred something deeper within her—a longing she had buried beneath layers of fear and uncertainty.

"Keefe, I—" she started, but the words tangled on her tongue.

He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "You don't have to say anything, Foster. Just know that I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not wise, and I'm definitely not patient, but I can't help falling in love with you."

And as the moon cast its silvery glow upon them, Sophie leaned into Keefe, her head resting against his shoulder. The song's melody played in her mind, a soothing lullaby that echoed Keefe's heartfelt words.

For the first time, Sophie allowed herself to believe in the magic of a love song, because there, in Keefe's embrace, everything seemed possible.


This is my FINAL oneshot. I will not be adding more to this book. It's officially over now. 

I'm considering doing an KotLC Oneshot book which will include Sokeefe and other KotLC ships. I haven't decided yet so its a possibility. :D 

"I'm a public pooper scooper" (Whitney--The Ultimate Game of MASH)

Keep Being Cool


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