-Feeling Unwell-

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Sophie's POV: 

I woke up with a pounding headache, a stuffy nose, and a throat that felt like it had been replaced with sandpaper. The flu had hit me hard, and it was the last thing I needed with exams just around the corner. I let out a defeated sigh and reached for my phone on the bedside table. I needed to let Keefe know I wouldn't be able to see him today.

I texted him, "Hey, I'm sick. Can't hang out today. Sorry 😔". Almost immediately, my phone buzzed with a reply. "Oh man, that's awful! You need anything? I can come over and take care of you ❤️".

A smile tugged at my lips as I thought about Keefe's sweet offer. We had been dating for a few months, and he always went above and beyond to make me happy. His presence alone made me feel better, so I eagerly typed out my reply, "That would be amazing! Bring some soup if you don't mind."

Within an hour, Keefe arrived at my door, holding a bag of groceries. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him wearing a surgical mask, trying to protect himself from catching my flu. He looked ridiculous, but it was adorable, nonetheless.

"Hey, Foster," he said with a cheeky grin. I could tell he was trying to hide how worried he actually was. "I'm here to save you from this evil flu monster." I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. "Come on in, superhero. But you might need to leave your cape at the door," I quipped.

Keefe stepped inside, removing the silly mask and placing the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter. "Where are your essentials?" he asked, rubbing his hands together. "Blankets, tissues, and a cozy spot for you to rest?"

I led him to the living room, where I had already set up camp on the couch with a stack of tissues and a pile of blankets. He sat beside me, pulling me into his arms. Instantly, I felt a wave of comfort wash over me. Being close to him always made everything feel a little bit better.

Keefe held me gently, stroking my hair as he whispered soothing words. He was the softest place to land in a storm, and I felt lucky to have him by my side.

"I brought some chicken soup," he said, reaching into the bag and pulling out a container. "It's my secret family recipe, guaranteed to cure any ailment."

I took a sniff, and the aroma instantly made my mouth water. "It smells amazing, Keefe. Thank you."

He grabbed a spoon and fed me a small spoonful. The flavors exploded in my mouth, warming me from the inside out. With each bite, I felt a sense of comfort I hadn't felt for days.

As I ate, Keefe entertained me with hilarious stories and silly jokes. He had a way of making even the most mundane things seem magical.

"You know," he said with a mischievous grin, "I heard a funny rumor that your sneezes have magical powers. Care to test it out?"

I furrowed my brow, not sure if he was being serious or just teasing. But there was a sparkle in his eyes that told me he genuinely believed in the magic that surrounded us.

"Alright," I said with a playful smile. "Hold on tight."

I let loose the most ridiculous, over-exaggerated sneeze I could muster. To my surprise, a small spark shot out of my nose. We burst into laughter, filled with childlike delight at the little display of magic.

Keefe leaned in and kissed my forehead. "You really are something special, Foster. Even when you're sick, you manage to bring magic into my life."

As the days passed, Keefe stayed by my side. He fetched me countless cups of ginger ale, tucked me into bed, and watched goofy movies with me. With every passing day, I felt my strength returning, both physically and emotionally.

Eventually, I made a full recovery, thanks in no small part to Keefe's unwavering support. I felt stronger than ever, ready to face whatever challenges came my way. And I knew that as long as I had Keefe by my side, there was nothing we couldn't overcome. The flu may have knocked me down, but it had also reminded me of the incredible love I had in my life. Even in the midst of illness, Keefe had brought me endless laughter, comfort, and love. And for that, I would forever be grateful.

As I looked into Keefe's eyes, I knew that our love was the ultimate cure. It wasn't just about the grand gestures, but also the small, everyday moments of care and support. With him, I knew I would always be able to conquer any obstacle, even the flu. Together, we would face whatever challenges life threw at us, hand in hand, hearts intertwined. And as for the flu? Well, it didn't stand a chance against the power of our love. 



" Like a mustache lion, dragging a gazelle through the Serrin Getty."  (Jason--Scott Sterling)

Keep Being Cool


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