-Goodnight Kiss-

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Keefe's POV: 

As I lay in the soft warmth of the bed, I couldn't help but smile at the beauty beside me. Foster, with her tousled blonde hair and peaceful expression, looked like an angel in the moonlight. We had just finished watching a romantic movie, and now she was fast asleep, her breaths gentle and rhythmic.

I reached out and gently brushed a lock of hair away from her face, relishing in the intimacy of the moment. It had been a long day, filled with work and responsibilities, but being here with Foster made it all worth it. The stresses of the outside world melted away as I basked in the comfort of her presence.

Her eyes flickered open, and a soft smile played on her lips. She stretched lazily, her body molding against mine. I couldn't help but draw her closer, wrapping my arms around her petite frame, reveling in her warmth. It was moments like these that made me realize how lucky I was to have her in my life.

With a gentle smile, I leaned in, my heart pounding in his chest. Foster's cheeks flushed, her breath quickening. As our lips met in a tender embrace, time seemed to stand still. It was a single, blissful moment filled with a thousand unspoken promises.

When we finally parted, our foreheads rested against each other, our eyes closed. We soaked in the serenity of the moment, feeling the warmth of our love envelop us. I whispered softly, "Goodnight, my love."

Foster opened her eyes, her voice filled with love and longing, "Goodnight, Keefe. Thank you for a perfect evening." 

As she settled back down, her breathing grew slower, deeper. I leaned in and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, whispering another silent goodnight. Closing my eyes, I let myself get lost in the sensation of her soft skin against my lips, memorizing this serene moment.

Thoughts of our journey together filled my mind. The countless adventures we had embarked on, the challenges we had overcome, and the memories we had created. Foster was more than just my girlfriend; she was my confidante, my rock, and my soulmate. The bond we shared was like no other, built on trust, love, and unwavering support.

As I held her close, my mind wandered back to the first time we met. It was a rainy day, and I was standing outside a coffee shop, desperate for a warm drink to ward off the chill in my bones. And then, like a ray of sunshine, Foster had walked past, a bright smile on her face. We exchanged a few words, and from that day forward, our paths were entwined.

Our love had blossomed amidst the chaos of life, through ups and downs, laughter and tears. We had celebrated achievements together and comforted each other during moments of despair. Through it all, our love grew stronger, like a sturdy oak tree weathering every storm.

As I lay in the darkness, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the love we shared. Foster was my anchor, my light in the darkness. She had brought joy and happiness into my life, reminding me to cherish every moment.

Feeling a sense of peace wash over me, I held her tightly, vowing to protect her and treasure her for all eternity. As the night enveloped us, I whispered a silent affirmation of love, knowing that this beautiful girl in my arms was my forever, my reason to wake up each morning with a smile.

With that thought in mind, I closed my eyes and joined Foster in the realm of dreams, feeling content and loved, grateful for the gift of her presence in my life. 


Yeah.......I got nothing. LOL

"Oh hi USA." (Matt--International Relations)

Keep Being Cool


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