-Remember Me-

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A/N: "Remember Me" Cover Princessmagic (Coco)

Keefe's POV: 

It was a crisp autumn night, the stars twinkling brightly in the sky as I settled down on my end of the phone line, eagerly awaiting Sophie's call. Being in a long-distance relationship was never easy, but our love transcended any distance or obstacle that came our way. As the phone rang, my heart skipped a beat, and I quickly answered, greeted by the sweet sound of Sophie's voice.

"Hey, Keefe," Sophie's melodic tone filled my ears, instantly bringing a smile to my face.

"Hey, beautiful," I replied, my voice filled with warmth and longing. Despite the miles between us, it felt like she was right there beside me.

As we settled into our nightly routine, we talked about our day, sharing mundane details that somehow seemed extraordinary when shared with each other. But the highlight of our conversation was yet to come – our rendition of "Remember Me" from the movie Coco. It had become our special song, a way to connect and express our love even when separated by miles.

As Sophie queued up the song on her end, I closed my eyes, soaking in the familiar melody that always tugged at my heartstrings. The music filled the empty spaces between us, bridging the physical gap and drawing us closer together in spirit. And then we began to sing.

"Remember me, though I have to say goodbye... Remember me, don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart"

Our voices blended harmoniously, weaving a tapestry of emotions that spoke volumes about our love for each other. With every note, I could feel the depth of our connection, strong and unyielding despite the challenges we faced.

"I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart. Remember me thought I have to travel far. Remember me each time you hear a sad guitar."

The song carried us through a journey of memories – of shared laughter, stolen kisses, and whispered confessions in the dark. It was a reminder of the love that bound us together, a beacon of hope in moments of doubt and loneliness.

"Know that I'm with you the only way I can be. Until you're in my arms again. Remember me."

As the last notes faded away, a comfortable silence settled between us, filled with unsaid words and unspoken promises. I knew that no matter the distance, Sophie was always with me, her love a steady presence in my life.

"Thank you for tonight, Keefe," Sophie's voice broke the silence, her words laced with tenderness and love.

"Thank you for being mine, always," I replied, my voice thick with emotion.

And in that moment, as the night wrapped around us like a warm embrace, I knew that our love was a force to be reckoned with, unbreakable and everlasting. No matter the miles that separated us, we were together in heart and soul, united by a love that knew no boundaries.

As we said our goodnights and ended the call, I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face, knowing that Sophie was dreaming of me just as I was dreaming of her. And in those shared dreams, we found solace and strength, ready to face another day apart, fueled by the promise of a future where we would be together once more.

In the quiet of the night, with the memory of our song still lingering in the air, I whispered to the stars above, "Remember us, always... Remember our love." And in that moment, I knew that nothing could ever truly keep us apart, for our love was a bond that transcended time and space, a love that would endure for eternity.


" I warned you we shouldn't tamper with nature." (Mallory--Seeing Colors For The First Time) 

Keep Being Cool


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