-It's Always Been You-

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Sophie's POV: 

It all started in a Telepathy lesson with Fitz. While Tiergan was out getting something for the day's exercise, Fitz and I decided to time ourselves to see how much speed answering questions we could get. We were hoping to beat our previous record of 15 questions and answers in 1 minute. This time, we did beat the record by a long shot, but let's just say it didn't end well at all. One of the questions that Fitz had asked was "Me or Keefe." I didn't think about it, but it answered "Keefe." Fitz hadn't processed it at first since he was so focused on beating the record. It wasn't until we finished that he processed all of them.

I ended up in anger and broke up. At first, I was really upset and sad about it. But after some thought, I wasn't so upset anymore. For the most part, it felt like a giant heavy boulder was lifted off my shoulders. Everything felt significantly better. The burden of feeling like I always needed to be perfect didn't matter anymore. True happiness came back, and boy, did it feel good when it did.

Lying on my bed, I can't help but wonder why I chose Keefe over Fitz. But as soon as I did, the charming blonde boy with his ice blue eyes, signature smirk, and amazing hair took over my thoughts and my heart. His personality and the way he's always been there for me, listening and understanding me, make me feel like I could just melt.

I realized that I was truly in love with Keefe. It turns out he had my heart all along, and I was foolishly focused on Fitz. I feel guilty about it. I've been in love with Keefe all this time, ever since we first met, but I didn't realize it. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had met Keefe before Fitz.

"Oh, Foster," a familiar voice says, breaking me out of my thoughts. Just the boy I was thinking about. Ah, crap, he's going to know how I feel about him now.

"Come in, Keefe," I say. Soon, the most handsome blondie enters. I almost blush, almost. I'm holding a lot of things back right now, and it's so hard. I've never had such a strong urge to run up to him and kiss him.

"Whoa, are you okay, Foster? What's with all the crazy emotions?" he asks, sitting down next to me. I let out a breath, realizing that I had forgotten how to breathe for a second.

"Hey, I'm doing as good as I can be. What are you doing here?" I asked him, wondering why he was here.

"I was bored and needed some good company," he says. "Hunkyhair, I dared you too. Now tell her before I do!" I giggled. Yep, there's Ro. Got to love her sometimes. "Tell me what, Hunkyhair?" I say, smirking at him. "Ugh, fine. I guess I'm not getting out of this, huh," Keefe says, sighing.

"NOPE!" Ro and I exclaim simultaneously. He mutters "dang it" under his breath.

"Alright, fine. But Ro, wait for me outside. I don't want to hear you squealing like a girl when I do it."

"Fine. But if you wuss out, I'm serious, I'll drag you back in here and I'll tell her myself." I laughed. Man, I love their bond. It's hilarious.

"Anyway, was there something you wanted to tell me?" I say, feeling slightly nervous about what it could be.

"Yes. I never thought I would get to the point where I would finally tell you. But now that I think about it, you deserve to know the truth about how I truly feel about you," he manages to say. Crepes! If I wasn't nervous before, I am now. What if he doesn't like me? Ugh, no, that's absurd.

"Sophie, I'm in love with you. It's okay if you don't like me back. I know you're dating Fitzy boy..." Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off, pressing my lips against his. Keefe, unexpected by this reaction, eventually kissed me back. All I could think was, "Holy crap, the fireworks flew and exploded like crazy. It was amazing. I never knew that kissing this cute boy would be this magical." My brain screamed at me, "FINALLY."

I pulled away to look into his eyes. "I love you too, Keefe," I said, smiling. Keefe smiled back, but then his expression changed. "But what about Fitz?" "We broke up. I was sad about it, but after some thought, I realized that you were the one who held my heart all along. Sorry for being so oblivious."

"Foster, you have nothing to be sorry for. Yes, it drove a lot of us crazy, but it's nothing to apologize for. This moment with you and that kiss made up for it, and probably many more to come. But I want to ask you this... Will you be my girlfriend?

I kissed him again, and Keefe immediately responded. I pulled away to look into his eyes.

"Yes, Keefe. It's always been you," I said with a smile. We kissed again, knowing that we have many more magical moments in the future. I'm just glad that I finally found who I truly love.

It's always been Keefe.  



"AWWWWWWW YEEAAAHHH" (Mallory--Aww Yeah)

Keep Being Cool


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