-Cute Boy in The Park-

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*Human AU*

Sophie's POV: 

It was a beautiful, sunny day outside, and the temperature was perfect. Right now, Biana and I are getting ready to enjoy a picnic with the girls. Marella, Linh, Biana, and I thought it would be a fun way to enjoy the beautiful weather. We planned to have a picnic in the park and then go for a walk.

"Got everything, Sophie?" Biana asks me. "Yep, everything's ready," I respond. "Perfect. Let's go. Linh and Marella will meet us there," Biana says. I grab the basket, and she grabs the blanket. As we walk to the park, we meet up with the girls and find a spot in the shade of the trees. Laying out the blanket, Biana and I settled down on it.

I sighed, enjoying the moment. Feeling the gentle breeze and the warmth of the sun, it was just perfect. Nothing could ruin it for me.

The sun shone brightly above, casting a warm golden glow over the lush green grass and vibrant flowers that adorned the landscape. As we unpacked our picnic blanket and baskets filled with scrumptious treats, we couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility and joy.

"Today really is a wonderful day," Linh commented peacefully.

"Yes, it is," I replied. We chatted away, talking about school, life in general, and other things. Everything was amazing.

"Hey, look. It's Fitz and the boys," Biana said, rolling her eyes as she mentioned her brother. I had liked Fitz for a minute, but that dropped quickly as I realized he does not know how to treat a girl right.

He always overshadows others and makes himself the center of attention, leaving the girl just to make him look good. I also knew I wouldn't be able to handle his anger very well. I'm glad I never got together with him; it would've ended in disaster. Biana saved me from that terrible fate. Besides, he's part of the popular group, the group I avoid at all costs.

"Hey guys, enjoying the park as well, I see," he says once he reaches us.

With laughter and chatter filling the air, I glanced around, taking in the beauty of the park. That's when I saw him. A cute, disheveled blonde boy with ice-blue eyes. He was talking with his group of friends. His messy hair and slightly rumpled clothes gave him an intriguing air of mystery.

"Hi Dex," I say, greeting him.

"Hi Soph," he says, smiling. I'm glad I have someone like Dex as my cousin. My biological cousins aren't all that nice, or rather, they aren't close to my age, so I couldn't ever really bond with them well.

"Hey Biana, still the queen of glitter, I see," one of the boy's jokes.

"Very funny, Keefe. Still king of the jokes, I take it," she jokes back.

I look over, and Keefe is walking towards us. My heart stops... gosh, he is hot. "As always. Nothing is superior to my jokes and, of course, the hair," he says. I lay down and covered my face with my hands. I was positive, I was blushing.

Oh, who's that?" Keefe asks. "Oh, that's Sophie Foster." Seriously, Biana, just great. I sit up and let out a shy "Hi." "Nice to meet ya, Foster." Wait, what. "Nice to meet you too, Keefe," I say, shaking his hand.

"Wait a second. Are you the girl who did the Great Cape Destruction?" he asks excitedly, already knowing the answer. I nod, ashamed, remembering back when I destroyed Professor Galvin's Harry Potter cape. Whoops.

"THAT WAS EPIC!" I looked at him, surprised. Wow, I didn't expect that," I said. "Wait, really?" I asked him. "YES! It was amazing. I haven't seen teachers laugh so hard in my life."

From that day forward, Keefe became a constant presence in my life. We began to spend more time together, exploring the park, sharing conversations about our dreams and aspirations. Keefe's zest for life was contagious, and his wit and charm captivated me.

As the days turned into weeks, my feelings grew deeper. I found myself falling more in love with Keefe's kind heart and his ability to make me feel like the most special person in the world. He had a way of making the simplest moments feel like beautiful adventures.

On a warm summer evening, as the sun set in a magnificent display of orange and pink hues, Keefe took my hand and led me to a spot where the stars shone brightly in the night sky. We sat there, side by side, the cool grass tickling our legs.

"Sophie," he said softly, turning to face me. "I've fallen in love with you. Your laughter brightens my days, and your smile brings me endless joy. Will you be mine?"

Tears filled my eyes as I gazed into his ice-blue ones, filled with sincerity and love. "Yes, Keefe. A thousand times, yes."

From that moment on, our lives intertwined in a beautiful dance of love and adventure. We made memories together, creating a tapestry of shared experiences that would last a lifetime. Keefe's presence in my life brought happiness, laughter, and a sense of completeness I never knew I was missing.

Who knew that a chance encounter in a park would lead to such a beautiful love story? As I look back on that day, surrounded by the warmth and love of those who mean the world to me, I'm grateful for the unexpected paths that life takes us on, leading us to our own version of happily ever after. 


Thanks for reading. :D *EDITED*

"Not so fast, Behold ME." (Mallory--The Treatment)

Keep Being Cool


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