-Their First Dance-

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A/N: Perfect Ed Sheeran (Violin Cover by Daniel Jang)

*Newly Married Couple!*

Keefe's POV:

The soft notes of the piano filled the grand ballroom, casting a magical spell over the room. I couldn't help but steal a glance at Sophie, my beautiful newly wedded wife, as she looked back at me with eyes full of love and happiness. My heart swelled with pride, knowing that she was now my partner in life, forever by my side. As the music swirled around us, I took her hand, feeling her warmth and softness against my skin. We stepped onto the dance floor, surrounded by family and friends, but in that moment, it felt like it was just us two in the entire world.

Our first dance as husband and wife was a moment I had dreamt about since the day I met Sophie. She moved with grace and elegance, her eyes locked onto mine, a smile playing on her lips. I held her close, feeling her heartbeat match mine, the connection between us stronger than ever. The world faded away, leaving only us in a bubble of love and joy. I twirled her around, reveling in the way her laughter echoed in my ears, a sound that made my heart soar.

As the song reached its crescendo, I dipped her low, feeling the rush of air against our skin. Sophie's laughter bubbled up, her eyes sparkling with happiness. I brought her back up, pulling her into a tender embrace. In that moment, I knew that I was the luckiest man alive, to have this incredible woman as my partner, my love, my everything.

The evening passed in a blur of dances and toasts, laughter and tears. Our families came together, united in celebration of our love. I couldn't tear my eyes away from Sophie, her smile lighting up the room, her presence filling me with a sense of peace and contentment like I had never known before. We stole quiet moments together, stealing kisses and whispered words of love, promising each other forever.

As the night drew to a close, I found myself alone with Sophie on the terrace, the stars twinkling above us. She turned to me, her eyes soft with emotion. "Keefe," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I never imagined I could be this happy, but being with you, it's more than I ever dreamed of." Her words struck a chord deep within me, a reminder of the incredible bond we shared, the love that bound us together.

I took her hand, bringing it to my lips. "Sophie," I said, my voice filled with conviction, "I will spend the rest of my days making sure you're this happy, that you never doubt the depth of my love for you." She smiled, a tear glistening in her eye, and I knew in that moment that we were meant to be together, that our love would withstand any storm that came our way.

The night faded into dawn, the stars giving way to the light of a new day. As we watched the sun rise together, hand in hand, I knew that this was just the beginning of our journey as husband and wife. Together, we would face whatever challenges came our way, knowing that as long as we had each other, we could conquer anything.

And as we stood there, bathed in the golden light of a new day, I whispered three words to Sophie that would echo in our hearts for eternity: "I love you."

And in that moment, as the world awakened around us, I knew that our love was a force to be reckoned with, a love that would endure through all time, binding us together in a bond that could never be broken. Sophie and I were partners in life, soulmates in every sense of the word, destined to dance through life together, hand in hand, forever. 



"BABY SHADOW NOW!!" (Mallory--Lady Shadow Returns)

Keep Being Cool


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