-I'll Catch You Foster-

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Sophie's POV: 

It was a cool, breezy morning in the Lost Cities when I first met Keefe. I remember it like it was yesterday, the way he effortlessly caught me as I stumbled over a loose cobblestone on the bustling streets of Atlantis.

"I'll always catch you, Foster," he said with a playful grin, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. And from that moment on, Keefe became my constant companion, my protector, and my closest friend.

As an Elf, I always thought of myself as graceful and poised, but the truth was, I was incredibly clumsy. My mind often wandered to distant thoughts and possibilities, causing my feet to trip over their own shadows. But Keefe was there to steady me, his quick reflexes and sharp wit keeping me from falling flat on my face more times than I could count.

Our friendship blossomed amidst the grand halls of Foxfire Academy, where we attended classes together and explored the hidden nooks and crannies of the ancient institution. Keefe, with his devil-may-care attitude and flair for mischief, was the perfect foil to my earnestness and dedication to my studies.

We shared secrets under the starlit skies, whispered dreams of adventure and discovery, and laughed until tears streamed down our cheeks. Keefe had a way of bringing out the best in me, of showing me that life was meant to be lived with joy and spontaneity.

But as the years passed, our idyllic existence was shattered by the looming shadows of danger and betrayal. Dark forces threatened to tear apart the peace of the Lost Cities, and we found ourselves thrust into a world of intrigue and deception.

It was during one fateful mission to the Forbidden Cities that I realized the depths of my feelings for Keefe. As we navigated treacherous underground tunnels and faced unimaginable foes, I saw the strength and courage that lay beneath his carefree facade. And in the heat of battle, as he shielded me from harm with unwavering determination, I knew that my heart belonged to him.

But fate had other plans for us, and our love was tested in ways I never could have imagined. Betrayals, sacrifices, and heart-wrenching decisions forced us apart, tearing at the very fabric of our bond. And as the shadows of war descended upon the Lost Cities, I found myself standing alone, facing a future filled with uncertainty and fear.

But Keefe, true to his word, was always there to catch me. Through the darkest of nights and the fiercest of storms, his unwavering presence gave me strength and hope. And when the time came to stand against the forces of darkness, we fought side by side, our hearts united in a blaze of determination and love.

In the end, it was our shared commitment to each other and to the world we loved that prevailed. The Lost Cities were saved, and a fragile peace was restored. And as we stood amidst the ruins of our past struggles, I knew that no matter what the future held, as long as I had Keefe by my side, I could weather any storm.

So, as we watched the sun rise over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, I turned to Keefe and smiled. "Thank you for always catching me, Keefe," I whispered, my heart overflowing with love and gratitude.

And as he wrapped me in his arms and held me close, I knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, together we could overcome them all. For in each other, we had found our home, our solace, and our everlasting love.

Forever and always, Keefe would catch me, just as he promised. And together, we would face whatever adventures the future held, hand in hand, heart to heart, forevermore. 


"My stupid roommate can't communicate! "Peter? He's deaf" (Matt & James--What's the Word)

Keep Being Cool


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