-I Love You Too Much-

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A/N: "I Love You Too Much" Diego Luna (Book of Life)

Keefe's POV:

I sat in my room, my fingers strumming the familiar chords of my guitar. The melody flowed through me, matching the rhythm of my racing heart. It had taken me weeks to find the courage, the right words to express what I felt for Sophie Foster.

Ever since I met Foster at Foxfire, I felt drawn to her. Her vibrant brown eyes, her intelligent mind, and her fierce determination captivated my heart. But I was always the jester, the one who hid behind jokes and charm. I had never let anyone see the real me, the vulnerable side that only Foster seemed to bring out. And now, I knew I had to confess my feelings to her.

As the song began to take shape, I poured my heart into the lyrics. The words spoke of longing, of a love that had grown over time. In every verse, I painted a picture of our shared moments, the laughter we had shared, and the unspoken connection that bound us together. This love song was my way of giving a piece of my soul to Foster.

Days turned into nights, as I practiced and perfected the melody. I wanted it to be just right, to convey all the hidden emotions that lived inside me. Each strum of the guitar felt like a brushstroke on a canvas, creating a masterpiece that only Sophie could truly understand.

Finally, the day arrived. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest, as I made my way to the clearing where Foster liked to spend her free time. The flowers were in full bloom, their sweet fragrance mingling with the warmth of the afternoon sun. It was the perfect setting to reveal my hidden feelings.

Sophie was sitting on a fallen log, her eyes focused on a book in her hands. As I approached, her gaze lifted, and a smile formed on her lips. My heart skipped a beat. I had imagined this moment countless times, but reality always felt so much more surreal.

I took a seat next to her, the guitar cradled in my arms. My voice trembled with nerves, but I couldn't let fear hold me back any longer. "Hey, I wrote this for you." I told her nervously. With a deep breath, I began to strum the melody I had written, letting the music fill the air around us.

"I love you too much, to live without you loving me back. I love you too much. Heaven's my witness and this is a fact. I know I belong when I sing this song. There's love above love and it's ours. Cause I love you too much. I live for your touch. I whisper your name night after night. I love you too much. There's only one feeling and I know its right. I know I belong when I sing this song. There's love above love and its ours cause I love you too much."

As the last note faded away, I looked into Foster's eyes, my heart pounding with anticipation. The seconds stretched, each one feeling like an eternity until finally, Sophie's lips curled into a breathtaking smile.

"Oh, Keefe," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "I can't believe you wrote this for me."

I felt my whole being come alive at those words. Foster reached out, her hand brushing against mine, and I knew in that moment that the love song had worked. My heart soared, and I couldn't help the wide grin that spread across my face.

"I wrote it because I love you, Sophie," I confessed, the words flowing freely from my lips. "I've loved you for a long time, and I just couldn't keep it a secret any longer."

Sophie's eyes sparkled with tears as she nodded, her hand tightening around mine. "Keefe, I love you too. I always have."

Joy surged through me, and I pulled Sophie into a tight embrace. The weight of my feelings lifted, replaced with an incredible sense of happiness and relief. The love I had kept hidden for so long had finally been reciprocated, and the world felt like a brighter place.

From that day on, Sophie and I embarked on a journey of love and companionship. We discovered new depths to our emotions, and together we faced the challenges that life threw our way. Our love song became the anthem of our relationship, a reminder of the intense bond we shared.

And as we sat in that familiar clearing, our laughter mingling with the song of the birds, I knew that I had found my soulmate in Sophie Foster. In her eyes, I saw a love that was as fierce and unwavering as mine. And together, we would create our own masterpiece, a love story that would transcend time.


I love SOKEEFE too much. LOL.

"He's just sitting stone faced. It seems as though, oh wait, we're getting word from the dealer, that yes okay, Jeremy is in fact dead." (Whitney--Poker Face) 

Keep Being Cool


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