-Stupid In Love-

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A/N: "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" Mild Nawin Cover

*Brace yourself for some adorable sokeefe FLUFF!*

Sophie's POV: 

As soon as I reached Foxfire, the prestigious academy for young elves, I eagerly scanned the bustling campus for a familiar face. And there he was, standing amidst a group of friends, his vibrant ice blue eyes meeting mine from across the courtyard. I couldn't contain my excitement any longer, and I made my way towards him, feeling my heart race with every step.

As I approached, Keefe's face lit up with a smile that made me weak at the knees. Without a word, I melted into his arms, feeling his warmth surround me and knowing that this was where I belonged. As he wrapped his arms tightly around me, I sighed in contentment, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you," I whispered, my voice muffled against his chest.

"Mmmm. I missed you too, love," Keefe replied, his voice filled with affection. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head, causing me to giggle softly, relishing in the moment of pure bliss they shared. I couldn't help but feel grateful for having someone as special as Keefe as my wonderful boyfriend.

Watching our intimate moment, Biana couldn't help but interrupt with a teasing remark. "You two do this every day. Aren't you sick of it yet?"

I looked up at Biana with a sweet smile. "No, we will never be tired of each other, Bi," I said, my voice filled with absolute certainty.

Keefe nodded in agreement. "Foster's right. This is making up for so much lost time," he said, his eyes filled with tenderness. My words had been about to convey the guilt I sometimes felt but Keefe stopped me with a kiss, our lips meeting in a soft, lingering embrace. It was in moments like these that I felt my heart dance with joy.

"Foster, I will not let you say you're stupid because you're not," Keefe said, his voice filled with conviction as he pulled away. "You are very smart and amazing. I don't want you telling yourself otherwise." His gaze met with mine with an expression of adoration and a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

"I hate that I was so oblivious and couldn't see the amazing person right in front of me." After realizing how unaware I was of my own feelings and Keefe's, I felt really bad. I know now that I probably hurt his heart by being with Fitz.

"Foster, please don't feel bad about this. It's okay. Don't blame yourself for not realizing. It's not your fault. I know you've had to deal with terrible thoughts and assumptions, and I understand why you might have thought that about yourself. I chose to support you in any way you needed until you were ready for more. I knew you weren't ready at the time, and all I wanted was for you to be happy and get what you needed most. That's what mattered to me the most."

I snuggled into his arms, feeling comforted by his words. He always knows how to make me feel better. "And once I realized, I was worried I was too late," I added.

"You could never be too late, Sophie. My love for you will never fade."

Unfazed by our affectionate exchange, Biana interjected, her voice playful. "As cute as this is, the rest of us are going to head inside now." With that, she started to walk away, followed by the others.

But I paid them no heed, my focus solely on the adorable boy in front of me, who held me in his arms as though I were the most precious thing in the world.

Before they went inside, me and Keefe shared one last tender kiss on the lips. Each time our lips touched, it never failed to make my heart skip a beat, transporting me to a world where it was just the two of them, alone and in love.

Pulling away reluctantly, I took Keefe's hand in mine, entwining our fingers together in a comforting gesture. "Shall we?" I asked, feeling a glimmer of excitement.

"Do we really have to go in? I'll miss you," Keefe said, pouting playfully as he leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry," I replied with a mischievous smile. "I have Lady Galvin today. I'll probably explode something and injure myself. Then I'll need my handsome prince to take me to the Healing Center." We shared a soft laugh, our hearts filled with love and anticipation for the adventures that awaited us.

Keefe smiled. "Oh of course. Wouldn't want to go without me." 

And together, hand in hand, we walked into Foxfire, ready to face whatever challenges came our way, with a love that would only continue to grow stronger. 



"HOW COULD I BE THIS BAD AT KISSING." (Adam--Prince Charming's First Kiss)

Keep Being Cool


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